Index for surnames beginning with p (Notes Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
PAGE, Clarintha (b. ABT 1882)
Page, Gregory Scott (b. --Not Shown--)
PAGE, JULIE ANNE (b. --Not Shown--)
Page, Scott
Painchaud, Louis
Palmelia, Marie (b. ABT 1865)
Palmer, Betty Mary Grace (b. 17 MAY 1929 - d. UNKNOWN)
Palmer, Charles David (b. 22 SEP 1916 - d. 22 SEP 1916)
Palmer, Clifford Wellington (b. 27 JAN 1919 - d. UNKNOWN)
Palmer, Cody Jayne (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Darla Lynne (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Douglas Keith (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Earl Lawson (b. 27 NOV 1909 - d. 21 JAN 1980)
Palmer, Elva Pearl (b. 19 JUL 1912 - d. 18 JUL 1983)
Palmer, Gordon Roy (Wilson) (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Harold Franklin (b. 30 MAY 1921 - d. 11 MAR 1999)
Palmer, Linda Grace (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Lois Marie (b. 5 SEP 1945 - d. 1995)
Palmer, Loren Ashley (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Marina Lindsay (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Melvin Ashley (b. 22 OCT 1904 - d. 26 MAR 1984)
Palmer, Michael Scott (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Murray Clifford (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Myrna Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Nathan Wayne (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Noreen Odile (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Robert Stephen (b. 19 APR 1939 - d. 22 AUG 1995)
Palmer, Russell (b. 28 FEB 1914 - d. 30 OCT 1983)
Palmer, Stacie Jeanette (b. --Not Shown--)
Palmer, Stephen Wellington (b. 1877 - d. 1951)
Palmer, Wayne William (Wilson) (b. 11 NOV 1954 - d. 20 FEB 1989)
Papineau, (Brian) Richard Hugh (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, (Robert) Kenneth (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, ?
Papineau, ?
Papineau, ?
Papineau, ? (b. 1911)
Papineau, ? (b. ABT 1751)
Papineau, Abondius Moise (b. 17 OCT 1869)
Papineau, Abraham
Papineau, Abraham
Papineau, Abraham
Papineau, Abraham (b. ABT 1841)
Papineau, Achille (b. 24 JAN 1891 - d. 19 AUG 1977)
Papineau, Ada Louise (b. 1859 - d. 1 AUG 1914)
Papineau, Adel
Papineau, Adelaide (b. 28 OCT 1815)
Papineau, Adelaine
Papineau, Adelaine (b. 6 AUG 1885)
Papineau, Adelard J (b. 29 SEP 1886)
Papineau, Adele
Papineau, Adolphe (b. BEF 1837 - d. 23 JUL 1888)
Papineau, Adolphe Napoleon (b. 10 DEC 1857)
Papineau, Adrian Robert (b. 22 JUN 1879)
Papineau, Adrien (b. ABT 1875 - d. 1909)
Papineau, Adrien Joseph (b. 18 SEP 1911 - d. 18 JUL 1988)
Papineau, Agathe
Papineau, Agnes
Papineau, Agnes (b. 1848 - d. 9 OCT 1909)
Papineau, Agnes (b. 24 JUL 1890)
Papineau, Agnes Irene (b. 26 MAR 1903 - d. 30 NOV 1908)
Papineau, AIME
Papineau, Alain (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Albert (b. 17 DEC 1885)
Papineau, Albert (b. 19 APR 1882 - d. 10 DEC 1965)
Papineau, Albert Rene (b. 28 FEB 1932 - d. 25 APR 1998)
Papineau, Albertine
Papineau, Albina (b. 2 FEB 1876 - d. 27 FEB 1966)
Papineau, Albina (b. ABT 1868 - d. 5 FEB 1907)
Papineau, ALBINA (b. APR 1895)
Papineau, Alcibiade (b. 1859 - d. 13 APR 1928)
Papineau, Alda
Papineau, Alfred
Papineau, Alfred (b. 1906 - d. 18 FEB 1984)
Papineau, Alfred (b. 23 JUN 1885)
Papineau, Alice
Papineau, Alice
Papineau, Alice (b. 11 OCT 1913)
Papineau, Alice Frances (b. BET 1854 AND 1855 - d. 1906)
Papineau, Alice Kathleen (b. MAR 1872 - d. 1872)
Papineau, Alice Katleen (b. 31 MAR 1873 - d. 15 DEC 1876)
Papineau, ALICE Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Allen
Papineau, Allen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Allison
Papineau, Alphonse
Papineau, Alphonse (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Alphonsine (b. ABT 1864)
Papineau, Alvin Noah (b. 25 MAR 1890)
Papineau, Alyssa Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Amable (b. 6 APR 1795)
Papineau, Ambroise
Papineau, Amedee (b. 7 MAR 1895 - d. 2 APR 1977)
Papineau, Amedee (b. ABT 1915 - d. ABT 1978)
Papineau, Anacelt (b. 1829 - d. 17 MAR 1830)
Papineau, Anaclet
Papineau, Anaclet (b. 13 JUL 1815 - d. 21 MAR 1821)
Papineau, Anastasie
Papineau, Andre
Papineau, André (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Andre (b. 23 JUN 1798)
Papineau, Andre (b. 5 MAR 1765 - d. 23 JUN 1832)
Papineau, Andre Augustin (b. 24 OCT 1790 - d. 6 APR 1876)
Papineau, André Benjamin (b. 24 DEC 1809)
Papineau, Andre R. (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Andrée
Papineau, Andrew Michael (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Andrien Joseph (b. 18 SEP 1911)
Papineau, Andrio
Papineau, Angeline Harriet A (b. ABT 1874)
Papineau, Angelique (b. 12 APR 1789)
Papineau, Angelique Lacroix (b. 16 APR 1795 - d. 8 SEP 1795)
Papineau, Angelita Iona (b. 10 AUG 1901)
Papineau, Anna
Papineau, Anna
Papineau, Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Annie (b. 4 MAR 1981 - d. 1983)
Papineau, Annie Gertrude (b. 13 MAR 1853 - d. 1929)
Papineau, Anthony (b. 28 MAR 1787)
Papineau, Anthony (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Anthony Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Antoine
Papineau, Antoine
Papineau, Antoine
Papineau, Antoine
Papineau, Antoine (b. 13 OCT 1754)
Papineau, Antoine (b. 1754)
Papineau, Antoine (b. 1862 - d. 1904)
Papineau, Antoine (b. 21 NOV 1852 - d. 8 MAR 1894)
Papineau, Antoine (b. ABT 1830)
Papineau, Antoine Cyprien (b. 3 OCT 1776)
Papineau, Antoine P. (b. 17 MAR 1856 - d. 26 MAR 1928)
Papineau, Antoine Simeon
Papineau, Antoine Simeon
Papineau, Antoine (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Antoinette ( d. 1987)
Papineau, Antonio (b. 21 JAN 1920 - d. 28 APR 1986)
Papineau, ARCHILLE CONRAD (b. 1919)
Papineau, Armand (b. 9 JUL 1889 - d. 9 MAR 1954)
Papineau, ARSENE
Papineau, Arthemise Emelie (b. 21 JUN 1860 - d. 16 FEB 1926)
Papineau, Arthur
Papineau, Arthur
Papineau, Arthur Robert (b. DEC 1895)
Papineau, ARZELIE
Papineau, Aubrey Frederich (b. 18 MAR 1876 - d. 1876)
Papineau, Augéle (b. BET 1864 AND 1865)
Papineau, Augistin (b. ABT 1845)
Papineau, Auguste
Papineau, Auguste Cyrille (b. 4 MAR 1828 - d. 27 MAY 1915)
Papineau, Augustin (b. 7 JUL 1916)
Papineau, Augustin (b. ABT 1815)
Papineau, Augustin (b. ABT 1840)
Papineau, Augustin Camile (b. 7 AUG 1826 - d. 5 JUL 1911)
Papineau, Augustin Jean (b. 1888 - d. 1968)
Papineau, Aurélie (b. APR 1825 - d. FEB 1830)
Papineau, AZILDA
Papineau, Azilda (b. ABT 1856 - d. 18 APR 1860)
Papineau, Barbara (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Barbara (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Basile (b. 25 MAR 1819)
Papineau, Beatrice Edwina
Papineau, Benjamin (b. 13 MAY 1814)
Papineau, Benjamin Gilles (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Benson (b. 4 APR 1891)
Papineau, Bernadette
Papineau, Bernadette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Beverley Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, BLANDINE (b. 24 FEB 1896)
Papineau, Brandon Thomas (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Brett Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Brian William Gordon (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Bruce (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Bruno (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Byron (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Camilla (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Carl (b. 19 APR 1894 - d. 15 DEC 1969)
Papineau, Carmen
Papineau, Carol (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Carol (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Carole (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Casimir
Papineau, Catherine (b. 13 DEC 1706)
Papineau, Catherine (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Catherine Mary Wild (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Cecile
Papineau, Cecile (b. 24 NOV 1879 - d. 4 APR 1880)
Papineau, Cecile Aurore (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Cecile Therese (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Cedric (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Celeste
Papineau, Celeste (b. ABT 1831)
Papineau, Celina
Papineau, Cesaire
Papineau, Cesarie
Papineau, Cesarie
Papineau, Césarine (b. 20 APR 1870 - d. 30 SEP 1942)
Papineau, Charles
Papineau, Charles D. (b. 18 MAR 1877 - d. 27 JAN 1879)
Papineau, Charles Draycoth (b. 18 MAR 1876 - d. 1876)
Papineau, Charles Ernest Léonide (b. 4 JAN 1832 - d. 19 JUL 1834)
Papineau, Charles Walter (b. 21 MAY 1870)
Papineau, Charlotte
Papineau, Cheryl Maureen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Chester
Papineau, Christophe Denis (b. 19 AUG 1846)
Papineau, Christopher (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Claire Beverly
Papineau, CLARICE LEVINCA (b. 1911)
Papineau, Claude
Papineau, Claude (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Claude Michael Campbell (b. 1873 - d. 1950)
Papineau, Claude Micheal Campbell (b. 1874)
Papineau, Clement Jean Sr.(b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Clement Jean Jr.(b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Clement Jean III(b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Colleen
Papineau, Collen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Collin (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Conrad
Papineau, Cora (b. 1891 - d. 1910)
Papineau, Cyrille (b. ABT 1845)
Papineau, DAMIEN
Papineau, Daniel Wilfred (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Danielle Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, David
Papineau, David
PAPINEAU, David (b. ABT 1836)
Papineau, David Calder (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, David Desmond Alfred (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, David Robert Douglas (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, David (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Deborah Anita (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Delia
Papineau, Delia
Papineau, Delima (b. ABT 1846)
Papineau, Denis (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Denis (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Denis Benjamin (b. 13 NOV 1789 - d. 20 JAN 1854)
Papineau, Denis Benjamin (b. 21 AUG 1892 - d. 1935)
Papineau, Denis Emery (b. 1819 - d. 1898)
Papineau, Denise Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dennis Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dennis Peter (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Derik Austen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, DIANA Evelina
Papineau, Diane (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Diane Blanche (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Diane-Lynne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dianne (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Didier (b. 10 NOV 1820 - d. 18 AUG 1827)
Papineau, Dominic (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dominic (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dominique (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Domitilde Mathilde (b. 20 FEB 1822 - d. 27 SEP 1826)
Papineau, DONALD
Papineau, Donald (b. 1909 - d. 12 DEC 1978)
Papineau, Donald (b. 26 JUN 1943 - d. 2004)
Papineau, Donald Frederick (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Donald George (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Donna (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Doris
Papineau, Doris Marie Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Dorothée ( d. 11 FEB 1937)
Papineau, Dorothy Lucy (b. 4 JAN 1908)
Papineau, Dorothy Lucy (b. 4 JAN 1908)
Papineau, Dorothy Mary (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Edgar (b. BET 1912 AND 1913)
Papineau, Edith Edna (b. 7 NOV 1907 - d. 2 SEP 1979)
Papineau, Edmond (b. 1916 - d. 1944)
Papineau, Edmond James
Papineau, Edmond James (b. 1921 - d. APR 1998)
Papineau, Edmond James (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Edmond Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Edna (b. 26 JUL 1905)
Papineau, Edward (b. 9 APR 1895)
Papineau, Edwige
Papineau, Eileen Ethel
Papineau, Elaine (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Eleanor Ellis Wescott Ella (b. 12 MAY 1852 - d. 3 NOV 1875)
Papineau, Eliane
Papineau, ELIE
Papineau, Elie
Papineau, Elinor (b. 23 MAY 1919 - d. 1 APR 1968)
Papineau, Elisabeth (b. 2 DEC 1780)
Papineau, Elizabeth (b. 13 OCT 1848 - d. 31 DEC 1884)
Papineau, Elizabeth (b. 8 NOV 1891 - d. 13 AUG 1967)
Papineau, Elize (b. 23 JAN 1884 - d. 7 MAY 1885)
Papineau, Ella (b. 1887)
Papineau, Ellen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Émélie Anne (b. 28 JUL 1894 - d. 23 NOV 1946)
Papineau, Emile Victor (b. 9 MAR 1920 - d. 29 JUL 1983)
Papineau, Emilie
Papineau, Emilie (b. ABT 1843)
Papineau, Emilien
Papineau, Emilien
Papineau, Emory
Papineau, Esther (b. BET 1812 AND 1813)
Papineau, Ethel Margaret (b. 13 JAN 1919 - d. 1987)
Papineau, Étienne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Etta Virginie
Papineau, Eugene
Papineau, Eugene
Papineau, Eugene (b. 30 AUG 1901 - d. 2 SEP 1988)
Papineau, Eugéne (b. JAN 1932 - d. 18 JUL 1932)
Papineau, Eugénie
Papineau, Eulalie (b. 4 MAR 1818)
Papineau, Eulalie (b. ABT 1849 - d. 28 JUN 1855)
Papineau, Eva
Papineau, Eva
Papineau, Eva
Papineau, Eva
Papineau, Eva
Papineau, Eva (b. 1900)
Papineau, Evelina Florence (b. 29 NOV 1905)
Papineau, Evelyne (b. BET 1926 AND 1927 - d. 25 APR 1931)
Papineau, Fabbiana (b. 30 AUG 1876 - d. 19 JAN 1957)
Papineau, Fabien
Papineau, Felix
Papineau, Fern (b. BET 1905 AND 1906 - d. 11 MAR 1958)
Papineau, FERNAND
Papineau, Flavie (b. 30 DEC 1825)
Papineau, Florence
Papineau, Florida
Papineau, Florida
Papineau, Florida
Papineau, Françios (b. 25 MAY 1712 - d. 16 JUN 1780)
Papineau, Francis A. (b. 22 JAN 1867)
Papineau, Francis Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Francis Stephan (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Francis W. (b. 21 MAY 1918)
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, Francois
Papineau, François
Papineau, François (b. 31 MAR 1819 - d. 25 NOV 1904)
Papineau, Francois (b. ABT 1798)
Papineau, Francois Xavier
Papineau, Francois Xavier
Papineau, Francois Xavier
Papineau, Francois Xavier (b. 14 FEB 1757 - d. 2 OCT 1822)
Papineau, FRANCOIS-David
Papineau, Françoise
Papineau, Francois-Xavier (b. 12 MAY 1825)
Papineau, Frank (b. 1875 - d. 1878)
Papineau, Frank P. (b. 12 NOV 1852 - d. 2 AUG 1914)
Papineau, Fred
Papineau, Fred (b. ABT 1871 - d. JAN 1916)
Papineau, Frederic
Papineau, Frederick
Papineau, Frederick Audrey (b. 11 JUN 1875 - d. 28 FEB 1876)
Papineau, Frederick Joseph (b. 22 JAN 1880 - d. 1954)
Papineau, Gabriel (b. 12 MAY 1754 - d. 27 JUL 1754)
Papineau, GAETAN
Papineau, Gaetan (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gemma (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gene Renard (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, George
Papineau, George (b. 11 NOV 1865 - d. 14 JUL 1934)
Papineau, George (b. ABT 21 MAY 1824)
Papineau, George Albert (b. 12 JUL 1891 - d. 4 APR 1956)
Papineau, George Albert (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, George Leo
Papineau, George Patrick (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, George Phillip (b. 8 MAR 1859 - d. 2 JUL 1942)
Papineau, Georges
Papineau, Georgette
Papineau, Gerald
Papineau, Gerald ( d. 15 MAY 1966)
Papineau, Gerald (b. 8 JUL - d. 1965)
Papineau, Gerald Elie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gerard
Papineau, Germaine
Papineau, Gerome (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gertrude
Papineau, Gertrude (b. 24 JUL 1917)
Papineau, Gertrude Margaret (b. 18 OCT 1910)
Papineau, Gilbert
Papineau, Gilles (b. 30 OCT 1948 - d. 19 AUG 1964)
Papineau, Ginette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gladys Emily (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gloria Jeannette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gordon Benjamin
Papineau, Gregory (b. 23 APR 1950 - d. 1984)
Papineau, Gregory James (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Gustave
Papineau, Haduan Robert (b. 22 JUN 1879)
Papineau, Haret (b. 2 OCT 1863)
Papineau, Harriet (b. 1850 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Harry William Tudor (b. 19 JUN 1881 - d. 13 JUL 1881)
Papineau, Hector (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Hector (b. 27 JUL 1915 - d. 18 MAY 1945)
Papineau, Hector (b. 8 JAN 1878 - d. 17 MAR 1938)
Papineau, Helen Marie
Papineau, Helene
Papineau, Helene
Papineau, Helene Lea Anne
Papineau, Heloisa
Papineau, Henri (b. 1896)
Papineau, Henri (b. MAR 1887)
Papineau, Henriette
Papineau, Henriette Helen (b. 1 AUG 1878 - d. JAN 1916)
Papineau, Henriette M (b. 23 JAN 1856 - d. 3 DEC 1915)
Papineau, Herman (b. 1903)
Papineau, Hermenigilde
Papineau, Hilaire
Papineau, Hippolyte (b. ABT 1847)
Papineau, Homer (b. 14 FEB 1867 - d. 9 JUL 1951)
Papineau, Honoré
Papineau, Honore (b. 1912 - d. 2 FEB 1952)
Papineau, Honorine
Papineau, Hoporé (b. 27 APR 1881 - d. 14 JAN 1960)
Papineau, Hormidas
Papineau, Hormidas
Papineau, Hormisdas
Papineau, HORTANCE
Papineau, Hortense (b. 1851)
Papineau, Howard Blake (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, HUGUETTE
Papineau, Hunter John (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ilene Joyce (b. 24 OCT 1947 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Irene
Papineau, Irene
Papineau, Irene Jeannette (b. 11 NOV 1915)
Papineau, Irenée
Papineau, Isaac (b. 25 JUL 1851 - d. 28 MAY 1920)
Papineau, Isabelle (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Isaie (b. ABT 1854 - d. 8 FEB 1858)
Papineau, Isidore
Papineau, Isidore (b. AFT 1850)
Papineau, Isidore (b. BEF 1832)
Papineau, Isidore (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Issac Dean (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jacob (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jacob John
Papineau, Jacob John (b. ABT 24 MAR 1833)
Papineau, Jacob (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Jacqueline (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jacqueline Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jacqueline Renee (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jacques Marie (b. 11 SEP 1738 - d. 7 SEP 1816)
Papineau, James
Papineau, James J. (b. ABT 1869 - d. 14 SEP 1938)
Papineau, James Randall Wescott (b. 14 SEP 1884 - d. 18 OCT 1946)
Papineau, Jamie (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Janet Clair (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, JANICE
Papineau, Jean
Papineau, Jean
Papineau, Jean
Papineau, Jean Bap (b. ABT 1833)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. 1 FEB 1753)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. 3 MAY 1788 - d. 3 DEC 1789)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. 8 APR 1874 - d. 29 MAR 1959)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. 9 APR 1740)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. ABT 1716)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. ABT 1880)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste (b. BET 1857 AND 1859 - d. APR 1935)
Papineau, Jean Baptiste Testard Dit (b. 8 JUN 1675)
Papineau, Jean Claude
Papineau, Jean Francois
Papineau, Jean Henri
Papineau, Jean Louis (b. 24 AUG 1769)
Papineau, Jean Louis (b. 25 AUG 1727)
Papineau, Jean Marie (b. 10 JUL 1770)
Papineau, Jean Marie (b. 21 OCT 1752)
Papineau, Jean Marie (b. 30 DEC 1813)
Papineau, Jean Paul
Papineau, Jean-Baptiste
Papineau, Jean-Baptiste
Papineau, Jeanine
Papineau, Jeanne Cecile (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jeannette
Papineau, Jeannette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jeannette Elizabeth
Papineau, Jean-Paul
Papineau, Jean-Pierre (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jean-Yves (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jerry (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Jerry Eugene Sr.
Papineau, Jessica (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, John
Papineau, John (b. 15 NOV 1870)
Papineau, John (b. 17 AUG 1840 - d. 17 OCT 1892)
Papineau, John (b. 1881)
Papineau, John Baptist (b. ABT 1785 - d. BET 1823 AND 1876)
Papineau, John Grant (b. 15 JAN 1914 - d. 6 FEB 1989)
Papineau, John Gregory (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, John J.
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph
Papineau, Joseph (b. 13 JUL 1785)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 13 MAY 1759 - d. 17 JUL 1759)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 14 JUL 1805 - d. 31 AUG 1805)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 14 MAY 1845)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 16 JUL 1786)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 16 OCT 1752 - d. 8 JUL 1841)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 18 MAR 1780 - d. 12 APR 1855)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 1842 - d. 26 JUL 1918)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 1851)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 1889)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 19 MAR 1719 - d. 8 SEP 1785)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 26 MAR 1851 - d. 25 APR 1937)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 26 SEP 1946 - d. 29 SEP 1946)
Papineau, Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 28 DEC 1891)
Papineau, Joseph (b. 4 OCT 1864)
Papineau, Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Joseph A. (b. ABT 1872)
Papineau, Joseph Abondius (b. 30 MAR 1867 - d. 4 SEP 1940)
Papineau, Joseph Abondius (b. 9 MAR 1861)
Papineau, Joseph Abondius Ludger (b. 23 JUL 1874 - d. 30 AUG 1875)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1713)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1765 - d. BET 1796 AND 1856)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1820)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1826)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1828)
Papineau, Joseph (b. ABT 1843 - d. ABT 1925)
Papineau, Joseph Alexander (b. 27 JAN 1869)
Papineau, Joseph Alfred (b. 28 MAY 1903)
Papineau, Joseph Alfred Antoine (b. 24 DEC 1890 - d. 6 OCT 1891)
Papineau, Joseph Andre Donald (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Joseph Anthony (b. 11 APR 1786)
Papineau, Joseph Arthur Harvey (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Joseph Arthur LAVELLE
Papineau, Joseph Augustine (b. 4 NOV 1876)
Papineau, Joseph Axeline (b. 22 APR 1855)
Papineau, Joseph Benjamin Lactance (b. 3 FEB 1822 - d. 4 NOV 1862)
Papineau, Joseph (b. BET 1814 AND 1815 - d. 5 MAY 1904)
Papineau, Joseph (b. BET 1842 AND 1843 - d. 4 DEC 1880)
Papineau, Joseph Damien Udule (b. 1 JAN 1903)
Papineau, Joseph EDGAR (b. 1913)
Papineau, Joseph Edward (b. 19 MAY 1909)
Papineau, Joseph Elven (b. 14 JAN 1903)
Papineau, Joseph Emeric (b. 6 FEB 1847)
Papineau, Joseph Eugene (b. 26 MAR 1884 - d. 28 MAR 1884)
Papineau, Joseph Francois (b. 2 OCT 1785 - d. 23 APR 1786)
Papineau, Joseph Godfroy (b. 17 MAR 1845 - d. 13 AUG 1906)
Papineau, Joseph Isidore (b. 19 APR 1881 - d. 16 MAY 1956)
Papineau, Joseph Julien (b. 11 MAY 1879 - d. 13 MAY 1879)
Papineau, Joseph Louis ( d. BET 1945 AND 1946)
Papineau, Joseph (b. MAR 1886)
Papineau, Joseph Maurice Napoleon (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Joseph Mederic (b. 1 NOV 1854 - d. 1923)
Papineau, Joseph Mederic (b. 26 AUG 1826 - d. 20 JUN 1921)
Papineau, Joseph Nelson (b. 25 NOV 1840)
Papineau, Joseph Nicolas Benjamin (b. 9 OCT 1814 - d. 28 JUN 1898)
Papineau, Joseph Paul (b. 15 JAN 1886 - d. 14 AUG 1923)
Papineau, Joseph Pierre William (b. 1915 - d. 1992)
Papineau, Joseph Réné (b. 9 DEC 1891 - d. 1941)
Papineau, Joseph Victor (b. 1863 - d. 1942)
Papineau, Joseph Wilfred (b. 7 MAY 1902)
Papineau, Joseph William Lorenzo (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, JOSEPHAT
Papineau, Josephe (b. ABT 1761)
Papineau, Josephine Adelaine (b. 15 FEB 1850 - d. 10 NOV 1917)
Papineau, Josephine Cyrine (b. 27 JAN 1888 - d. 1947)
Papineau, Josephine Harriet (b. 20 FEB 1913 - d. 30 DEC 1984)
Papineau, Joy Linda (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Julia Edith (b. 18 SEP 1872 - d. 20 NOV 1951)
Papineau, JULIE
Papineau, Julie (b. 2 NOV 1812 - d. 27 MAR 1813)
Papineau, Julie (b. ABT 1849)
Papineau, Julie Ann (b. ABT 1861)
Papineau, Julie Emma (b. 29 SEP 1850)
Papineau, Julie Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Julien
Papineau, Julien
Papineau, Julien (b. 21 FEB 1791)
Papineau, Julienne ( d. 17 MAR 1874)
Papineau, Juliette
Papineau, June
Papineau, Kathy Dawn (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Kenneth (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Kenneth Michael Campbell (b. SEP 1857 - d. 1909)
Papineau, Kenneth Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Kerry Lynne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Kimberly (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Kirby (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lafayette (b. 15 FEB 1897)
Papineau, Laura
Papineau, LAURENT
Papineau, LAURETTE
Papineau, Laurie Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Leo
Papineau, Leo (b. 1 OCT 1887 - d. 23 AUG 1975)
Papineau, Leo (b. 1892 - d. 1894)
Papineau, Leo Ernest
Papineau, Leo Paul
Papineau, LeRoy Joseph
Papineau, LEVI
Papineau, LEWIS Joseph ( d. 19 OCT 1922)
Papineau, Lilian Harriet (b. 17 JAN 1868 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Lillian (b. 20 OCT 1914)
Papineau, Lillian (b. 8 APR 1898 - d. 11 MAY 1986)
Papineau, Lillian Harriet (b. 30 MAR 1869)
Papineau, Linda
Papineau, Linda Diane (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Linda (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Lisa (b. ABT 1859 - d. 1 JAN 1900)
Papineau, Lisa Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lisa Marie
Papineau, Lise (b. 4 JUN 1942 - d. 1990)
Papineau, Lloyd
Papineau, Loretta
Papineau, Loretta (b. 1913)
Papineau, Lori Anne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lorraine (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lorraine Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lorretta (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis
Papineau, Louis ( d. 1914)
Papineau, Louis (b. 5 SEP 1835)
Papineau, Louis (b. ABT 1843)
Papineau, Louis Adolph
Papineau, Louis Antoine (b. 24 DEC 1809)
Papineau, Louis Eduard (b. 1860)
Papineau, Louis Gabriel (b. 24 DEC 1758)
Papineau, Louis Hector (b. 23 SEP 1907 - d. 12 NOV 1975)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. 12 AUG 1881 - d. 3 OCT 1971)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. 17 MAR 1854 - d. 6 FEB 1855)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. 1786 - d. 1871)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. 26 JUN 1856 - d. 1 JAN 1904)
Papineau, Louis Joseph (b. 7 OCT 1786 - d. 23 SEP 1871)
Papineau, Louis Joseph Amédée (b. 26 JUL 1819 - d. 23 NOV 1903)
Papineau, Louis Joseph Wild (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Louis MADAIN MADAIN
Papineau, Louis Raymond (b. 24 NOV 1900)
Papineau, Louis Toussaint (b. 23 OCT 1793)
Papineau, Louis Toussaint (b. 25 MAR 1750 - d. 20 JUN 1750)
Papineau, Louis Toussaint (b. 5 JUN 1744 - d. 5 JUL 1744)
Papineau, Louis Ulrick (b. 23 JUL 1832 - d. 1886)
Papineau, Louisa
Papineau, Louisa Isabel (b. 1846 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Louis-Adrien
Papineau, Louise
Papineau, Louise
Papineau, Louise Anne (b. 10 OCT 1848)
Papineau, Louise Marie
Papineau, Louise Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Luc
Papineau, Luc (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lucie
Papineau, Lucie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lucien (b. 1 SEP 1848)
Papineau, Lucien (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Lucien Philippe Victor
Papineau, Lucille Marie Ange
Papineau, Ludivine
Papineau, Luke Franklin (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, MABEL (b. 1894 - d. 1894)
Papineau, Mabel Edith (b. 30 MAR 1869)
Papineau, Madeleine
Papineau, Maggie (b. ABT 1871)
Papineau, Maire Louise Wescott (b. 18 MAY 1860 - d. 8 MAR 1937)
Papineau, Malvina
Papineau, Manon (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marc
Papineau, Marcel
Papineau, Marcel
Papineau, Marcel (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marcel Martin (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Margaret (b. 1844 - d. 20 FEB 1921)
Papineau, Margaret (b. 8 OCT 1914 - d. 30 OCT 1997)
Papineau, Margaret Natalie (Lady Peggy) (b. 19 NOV 1904)
Papineau, Marguerite
Papineau, Marguerite
Papineau, Marguerite
Papineau, Marguerite
Papineau, Marguerite (b. 1915)
Papineau, Marguerite (b. 23 SEP 1791)
Papineau, Marguerite (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marguerite (b. 6 APR 1771 - d. 6 MAR 1793)
Papineau, Marguerite (b. 8 MAR 1870 - d. 1 FEB 1872)
Papineau, Marguerite Zoe (b. 11 FEB 1809 - d. 24 APR 1813)
Papineau, Maria
Papineau, Marian (b. 3 JAN 1868 - d. 21 NOV 1934)
Papineau, Marian Jean (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie
Papineau, Marie
Papineau, Marie (b. 13 FEB 1897)
Papineau, Marie (b. 1627 - d. AFT 1665)
Papineau, Marie (b. 1851)
Papineau, Marie (b. 1912)
Papineau, Marie (b. 2 MAY 1842)
Papineau, Marie (b. 22 FEB 1772)
Papineau, Marie (b. 9 MAR 1866)
Papineau, Marie (b. ABT 1820 - d. 2 JUN 1820)
Papineau, Marie (b. ABT 1839)
Papineau, Marie (b. ABT 1849)
Papineau, Marie Adélaide (b. 2 SEP 1796 - d. 14 SEP 1796)
Papineau, Marie Adélaide (b. 6 JAN 1803)
Papineau, Marie Adelaine (b. 12 MAY 1885)
Papineau, Marie Adile (b. 17 MAR 1875)
Papineau, Marie Agnès (b. 24 DEC 1749 - d. 12 SEP 1817)
Papineau, Marie Albina (b. 19 FEB 1871 - d. 3 FEB 1874)
Papineau, Marie Aldea (b. 30 MAR 1885 - d. 27 AUG 1981)
Papineau, Marie Alice Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Aline (b. 21 JUN 1856)
Papineau, Marie Amable (b. 2 AUG 1743 - d. 31 AUG 1824)
Papineau, Marie Amanda Pearle (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Angele (b. 2 MAY 1870)
Papineau, Marie Angèle Rosalie (b. 18 FEB 1788 - d. 8 MAY 1857)
Papineau, Marie Angelique (b. 27 OCT 1763 - d. 22 JAN 1783)
Papineau, Marie Angélique (b. 31 AUG 1805)
Papineau, Marie Angelique (b. ABT 1777 - d. 21 MAR 1823)
Papineau, Marie Anne
Papineau, Marie Anne (b. 21 NOV 1773)
Papineau, Marie Anne (b. BET 1823 AND 1824)
Papineau, Marie Anne (b. JAN 1892)
Papineau, Marie Archange (b. 30 JAN 1758 - d. 18 AUG 1758)
Papineau, Marie Berthe Alice (b. 30 APR 1887 - d. 2 MAY 1887)
Papineau, Marie Blanche Alice (b. 20 APR 1899)
Papineau, Marie Brigitte (b. 13 JUL 1778 - d. ABT 14 JUL 1778)
Papineau, Marie Brigitte (b. 24 FEB 1756)
Papineau, Marie Calima (b. 31 DEC 1867)
Papineau, Marie Caroline Lilly (b. 2 MAR 1888)
Papineau, Marie Catherine (b. 10 APR 1754 - d. 7 AUG 1801)
Papineau, Marie Catherine (b. 12 FEB 1749)
Papineau, Marie Charles (b. 17 JUN 1779)
Papineau, Marie Charlotte (b. 20 SEP 1781)
Papineau, Marie Charlotte (b. 26 NOV 1746)
Papineau, Marie Desanges (b. 4 MAY 1753 - d. 31 MAY 1754)
Papineau, Marie Dora (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Elizabeth (b. 16 MAR 1909)
Papineau, Marie Eloize (b. 4 FEB 1884 - d. 15 NOV 1929)
Papineau, Marie Emma (b. 1 MAR 1897)
Papineau, Marie Evelyn Simone (b. 10 DEC 1928 - d. 5 MAY 1986)
Papineau, Marie Felicite (b. FEB 1822 - d. 11 APR 1911)
Papineau, Marie Francoise Montigny
Papineau, Marie Georgiana (b. 23 DEC 1893 - d. 8 FEB 1919)
Papineau, Marie Irene Yvonne (b. 1914)
Papineau, Marie Jacqueline Wescott
Papineau, Marie Jeanne
Papineau, Marie Joseph (b. 6 NOV 1791)
Papineau, Marie Josephine (b. 29 OCT 1877 - d. 26 JAN 1919)
Papineau, Marie Josephte (b. 19 AUG 1739 - d. 25 APR 1796)
Papineau, Marie Josephte (b. 28 MAY 1761 - d. JUN 1832)
Papineau, Marie Josette
Papineau, Marie Julie Azélie (b. 31 AUG 1834 - d. 22 MAR 1869)
Papineau, Marie Julienne (b. 11 MAY 1879 - d. 11 MAY 1879)
Papineau, Marie Julliete (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Lelia (b. 5 MAR 1896)
Papineau, Marie Loretta (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Louella (b. BET 1907 AND 1908)
Papineau, Marie Louise
Papineau, Marie Louise
Papineau, Marie Louise (b. 18 AUG 1775)
Papineau, Marie Louise (b. 8 OCT 1767 - d. 23 JUL 1835)
Papineau, Marie Marguerite (b. 23 MAR 1705)
Papineau, Marie Mathias (b. 14 MAY 1862 - d. 17 NOV 1862)
Papineau, Marie Melvina (b. 20 AUG 1907)
Papineau, Marie Rosalie Emilie (b. 3 MAY 1801 - d. 24 NOV 1801)
Papineau, Marie Rosalie Ezilda (b. 7 MAR 1828 - d. 24 JAN 1894)
Papineau, Marie Rose (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Rose Jeannette (b. 1913)
Papineau, Marie Sarah
Papineau, Marie Sarah (b. 10 MAY 1880)
Papineau, Marie Sophranie (b. 29 JAN 1866)
Papineau, Marie Sylvia (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie Victoire (b. 7 OCT 1758 - d. 13 FEB 1821)
Papineau, Marie Victor (b. 12 MAR 1749 - d. 25 JUL 1749)
Papineau, Marie Victoria (b. 21 SEP 1872 - d. 30 JAN 1874)
Papineau, Marie-Andrée (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Marie-Ange (b. 20 MAY 1920)
Papineau, Marie-Anne
Papineau, Marie-Anne
Papineau, Marie-Eugenie
Papineau, Marie-Fleury (b. 18 MAR 1807)
Papineau, Marielle
Papineau, Marie-Louise
Papineau, Marie-Louise
Papineau, Marie-Louise (b. 28 APR 1709)
Papineau, Marie-Louise (b. ABT 1884)
Papineau, Marilyn (b. 16 FEB 1945 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Marius (b. 30 AUG 1930 - d. 23 OCT 1995)
Papineau, Marjorie Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mark
Papineau, Mark Stephen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mary
Papineau, Mary (b. 3 JUL 1899)
Papineau, Mary (b. ABT 13 MAR 1820)
Papineau, Mary (b. ABT 15 JUL 1783)
Papineau, Mary Claire Laurette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mary Diana Laurette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mary Esther (b. 4 OCT 1863)
Papineau, Mary Irene Ethel (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mary Jane Papineau (b. ABT 1848 - d. BET 1874 AND 1942)
Papineau, Mary Louise (b. 28 APR 1857 - d. 19 JUL 1935)
Papineau, Mary Margaret (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Mary Stella (b. 13 MAY 1894 - d. 1984)
Papineau, Maryn
Papineau, Mathias (b. 1863 - d. 14 MAR 1864)
Papineau, Mathilde
Papineau, Mathilde
Papineau, Mathilde
Papineau, Mathilde Georgiana (b. 9 OCT 1869)
Papineau, Matilda (b. ABT 1869)
Papineau, Maureen Lenore (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Maurice
Papineau, Maurice (b. 1912 - d. 1916)
Papineau, Maurice (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Medric
Papineau, Melanie Joan (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Melina
Papineau, Melina
Papineau, Melvina
Papineau, Mercedes
Papineau, Merille (b. 28 JUN 1927 - d. 19 FEB 1996)
Papineau, Merliyn
Papineau, Michael (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michael Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michel
Papineau, Michel
Papineau, Michel (b. 16 APR 1722 - d. 3 APR 1799)
Papineau, Michel (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michel (b. 29 SEP 1745 - d. 12 OCT 1745)
Papineau, Michel Anthony (b. 15 JAN 1757 - d. 12 MAR 1757)
Papineau, Michel Clément (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michel Moise (b. 29 SEP 1840 - d. 26 MAY 1913)
Papineau, Michel Royal (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michelle
Papineau, Michelle
Papineau, Michelle Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Michelle Renee (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Miranda
Papineau, Miranda
Papineau, Mitchell
Papineau, Moise (b. 12 APR 1856 - d. 24 DEC 1947)
Papineau, Moise (b. 21 DEC 1889 - d. 1923)
Papineau, Moise (b. 9 DEC 1811 - d. 17 MAY 1879)
Papineau, Monique (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Monique Claudia
Papineau, Moreen Mercedes (b. 29 NOV 1908)
Papineau, Napoleon
Papineau, Napoleon
Papineau, Natalie (b. 1882)
Papineau, Natalie (b. 31 JAN 1885 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Nathalie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Neal
Papineau, Neville Owen William (b. JUL 1910)
Papineau, Nicole
Papineau, Nicole (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Noe (b. 11 MAY 1858 - d. 27 JUL 1941)
Papineau, Noel (b. 25 DEC 1783)
Papineau, Noel (b. ABT 1815)
Papineau, Noel (b. ABT 1842)
Papineau, Noella (b. 18 DEC 1918)
Papineau, Norbert
Papineau, Norbert
Papineau, Norbert
Papineau, Norman
Papineau, Normand (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Norvel (b. BET 1920 AND 1921 - d. 23 SEP 1923)
Papineau, Odias (b. 1888 - d. 1968)
Papineau, Olivia (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Olivier ( d. 1684)
Papineau, Olivier Arthur (b. 25 JAN 1824 - d. 23 AUG 1825)
Papineau, Omer Rodrigue (b. 1917)
Papineau, Orin
Papineau, Oscar
Papineau, Oscar (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Oscar Domino (b. 1914)
Papineau, Ovide
Papineau, Ovide (b. 1877 - d. 25 DEC 1946)
Papineau, Ovila
Papineau, Owen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Owen Calder (b. JAN 1910 - d. 1970)
Papineau, Owen Frederic (b. 1880 - d. 1957)
Papineau, Owen Frederick (b. 26 MAR 1880 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Owen John (b. 31 OCT 1914 - d. 14 JAN 1976)
Papineau, Owen Mark (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Owen Robert Campbell (b. 1880)
Papineau, Owen White Moore (b. 1856 - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Pamela (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Parker Jane Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Patricia (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Patricia Maureen (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Patrick
Papineau, Patrick (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Paul
Papineau, Paul (b. 7 OCT 1916)
Papineau, Paul Arthur (b. 1901 - d. 21 OCT 1986)
Papineau, Paul Earl (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Paul Leo (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Paul William (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Paul-Emile
Papineau, Pauline (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Pauline Florence Alice (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Pearl ( d. 18 OCT 1999)
Papineau, Perry Eugene (b. 1 OCT 1878 - d. 16 MAR 1968)
Papineau, Peter (b. 14 DEC 1845 - d. 27 NOV 1926)
Papineau, Philias Felix
Papineau, Philippe
Papineau, Philippe (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Philippe Bruneau Montigny (b. 19 MAY 1887 - d. 1932)
Papineau, Philippe Gustave (b. 17 DEC 1829 - d. 17 DEC 1851)
Papineau, Philomene
Papineau, Philomene (b. ABT 1835)
Papineau, Philomene (b. ABT 1868)
Papineau, Phydime (b. 1879 - d. 20 JUN 1936)
Papineau, Pierre
Papineau, Pierre
Papineau, Pierre
Papineau, Pierre
Papineau, Pierre (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 11 OCT 1750)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 16 MAR 1790)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 17 APR 1742 - d. 27 SEP 1795)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 20 OCT 1714)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 29 JUN 1862)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 6 SEP 1785 - d. 13 SEP 1875)
Papineau, Pierre (b. 9 MAY 1786 - d. 9 MAY 1786)
Papineau, Pierre Dosithe ( d. 26 MAY 1930)
Papineau, Pierre-Louis
Papineau, R.
Papineau, Rachel Devon
Papineau, Rachel Suzanne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Raoul Andre (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Raoule (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ray (b. 26 JUN 1886 - d. 6 FEB 1970)
Papineau, Raymond (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Raymond John (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Real
Papineau, Rebecca Anne (b. 18 FEB 1882 - d. 25 DEC 1962)
Papineau, Regina
Papineau, Regina (b. 17 OCT 1884)
Papineau, Régina (b. 31 DEC 1888 - d. 9 OCT 1966)
Papineau, Regina (b. MAY 1884)
Papineau, Rene (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Rene (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Réné Stanley (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Renee
Papineau, Renée Evelyn (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Renée Louise Wescott (b. 21 JAN 1916)
Papineau, Richard
Papineau, Richard (b. 1934 - d. 4 JAN 1935)
Papineau, Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Richard (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Richard (b. ABT 10 MAY 1788)
Papineau, Richard Humphrey (b. 16 FEB 1894)
Papineau, Rikki Richard Roderich (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Rita
Papineau, Rita
Papineau, Rita
Papineau, Rita Helene (b. 14 FEB 1919)
Papineau, Robert
Papineau, Robert
Papineau, Robert
Papineau, Robert (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Robert (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Robert (b. 30 AUG 1918)
Papineau, Robert Alexander (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Robert Charles (b. 19 JUL 1844 - d. 1920)
Papineau, Robert Joseph Amedee (b. ABT 1942 - d. 19 DEC 1998)
Papineau, Robert S. (b. 1881)
Papineau, Robert Swetozar (b. 27 APR 1883 - d. 14 OCT 1966)
Papineau, Robert Troy (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Robert William (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Robert William (b. 26 JUL 1912 - d. 11 APR 1986)
Papineau, Roderick (b. 1917 - d. 1943)
Papineau, Rodolphe
Papineau, Rodrique (b. 1870 - d. 5 JUN 1952)
Papineau, Roger
Papineau, Roger
Papineau, Roland (b. 1900 - d. 1907)
Papineau, Roland (b. 1918 - d. 1945)
Papineau, Roland (b. 1938 - d. 2 DEC 1952)
Papineau, Roland (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Rolande (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Rollande
Papineau, Rollande (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Romuald
Papineau, Ronald (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ronald George (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ronald Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ronald Owen (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Rosa
Papineau, Rosalie
Papineau, Rosalie (b. 16 AUG 1905 - d. 28 FEB 1979)
Papineau, Rosalma (b. 30 NOV 1895)
Papineau, Rosanna
Papineau, Rose
Papineau, Rose (b. ABT 1860 - d. ABT 1937)
Papineau, Rose Anna
Papineau, Rose Anna
Papineau, Rose Anna (b. 18 APR 1880 - d. 31 AUG 1982)
Papineau, Rose De Lima
Papineau, Rose Delima (b. 1912)
Papineau, Roseanne (b. ABT 1855 - d. ABT 1926)
Papineau, Rossal James (b. 1904 - d. 1985)
Papineau, Rossall B. ( d. 1883)
Papineau, Rossall Tudor (b. 7 FEB 1917 - d. 20 DEC 1997)
Papineau, Rossall William (b. 1842 - d. 1913)
Papineau, Rowena Anna Christina (b. 14 FEB 1907)
Papineau, Roxanne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Rudolph (b. 1896)
Papineau, Russell (b. 1898 - d. 20 OCT 1959)
Papineau, Ruth (b. 1893)
Papineau, Samuel
Papineau, Samuel (b. 1645)
Papineau, Samuel (b. 1670 - d. 23 APR 1737)
Papineau, Sandra (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Sarah (b. ABT 26 APR 1822)
Papineau, Sarah Jane (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Sarah Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Scholastique (b. 18 SEP 1839 - d. 23 SEP 1857)
Papineau, Scholastique (b. ABT 1841)
Papineau, Scott Alan (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Séraphin Joseph (b. 24 NOV 1783 - d. 27 APR 1784)
Papineau, Shane
Papineau, Shane
Papineau, Sharon (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Sharon (b. UNKNOWN)
Papineau, Shaun
Papineau, Shelly
Papineau, Sherrie Jene (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Shirleen Emilia (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Shirley Helen (b. 21 DEC 1922 - d. 8 JUN 1970)
Papineau, Sidney
Papineau, Sophie (b. 30 OCT 1810 - d. 13 DEC 1810)
Papineau, Sophie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Sophie Rosalie (b. 28 OCT 1848)
Papineau, Sophie-Celina
Papineau, Stanislas
Papineau, Stanislas
Papineau, Stanislas Henri
Papineau, Stéphane (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Suzanne
Papineau, Suzanne
Papineau, Suzanne
Papineau, Suzanne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Suzanne Antoinette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Sylvia
Papineau, Talbot Mercier Howard (b. 25 MAR 1883 - d. 30 OCT 1917)
Papineau, Tanya
Papineau, Tarris
Papineau, Terance James
Papineau, Tharsile (b. ABT 1843)
Papineau, Théodore Paul (b. 22 FEB 1896 - d. 24 MAY 1982)
Papineau, Theophile
Papineau, Théophile (b. 15 MAR 1826 - d. 3 MAR 1909)
Papineau, Théophile (b. 23 SEP 1853 - d. 12 JAN 1933)
Papineau, Theophile (b. ABT 1841)
Papineau, Theotiste (b. ABT SEP 1824 - d. 12 OCT 1824)
Papineau, Theresa Annette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Theresa Diane (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Theresa Eva
Papineau, Therése (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Thérèse (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Therese (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Therese Alice (b. 16 JUL 1920)
Papineau, Thérèse (b. BET DEC 1936 AND JAN 1937 - d. 10 FEB 1937)
Papineau, Thilbert (b. BET 1833 AND 1834)
Papineau, Thomas Francis (b. 27 JAN 1913 - d. 2 OCT 2000)
Papineau, Thrifa (b. ABT 1853 - d. BET 1854 AND 1947)
Papineau, Toussaint (b. 12 FEB 1792 - d. 29 FEB 1792)
Papineau, Toussaint Victor (b. 30 MAR 1798 - d. 12 AUG 1869)
Papineau, Tracey Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Tyler Robert (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Tyson (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Ulrich (b. 30 AUG 1853 - d. 5 SEP 1928)
Papineau, Ulrich Ernest
Papineau, Ulrich Louis (b. 28 FEB 1876 - d. 30 DEC 1931)
Papineau, Ulysses
Papineau, Valerie
Papineau, Valerie Joan (b. 1912 - d. 1998)
Papineau, Vallemaire (b. 1911 - d. 1973)
Papineau, Valmore
Papineau, Valmore (b. 13 OCT 1888 - d. 14 AUG 1929)
Papineau, Valmore Antoine (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Valmore Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Victor (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Victoria
Papineau, Victoria
Papineau, Victoria
Papineau, Victoria (b. 7 NOV 1883)
Papineau, Victoria (b. ABT 1878)
Papineau, Victoria Clementine (b. 28 JAN 1878)
Papineau, Vincent (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Vincent (b. 8 MAY 1807 - d. 23 JUL 1807)
Papineau, Vincent (b. 8 MAY 1852)
Papineau, Vincent Mel??? (b. 6 APR 1892)
Papineau, Virginia Allen (b. 5 JUL 1922 - d. 22 JAN 1932)
Papineau, Virginie Adele
Papineau, Vitaline
Papineau, Vivian (b. 17 NOV 1916)
Papineau, Wade
Papineau, Walter (b. 26 JUN 1886 - d. 10 DEC 1966)
Papineau, Walter Charles Papineau (b. 1870 - d. 1870)
Papineau, Walter Newton (b. 1905 - d. 1987)
Papineau, Walter Noel (b. 1876 - d. 1950)
Papineau, Walter Noel (b. 25 DEC 1876 - d. 1950)
Papineau, Wayne
Papineau, Wilfred (b. 12 OCT 1900)
Papineau, Wilfred (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Wilfrid
Papineau, William
Papineau, William (b. 28 OCT 1852 - d. 31 AUG 1926)
Papineau, William Campbell (b. 13 MAR 1871 - d. 7 DEC 1906)
Papineau, William J (b. 5 MAR 1881)
Papineau, William Michael (b. ABT 13 JAN 1785 - d. 15 APR 1864)
Papineau, William Nicholas (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, William P. (b. 1818 - d. 1881)
Papineau, William Rossall Frank (b. 13 MAR 1871)
Papineau, William Thomas (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Willie Campbell (b. 13 MAR 1871)
Papineau, Winona A. (b. NOV 1880 - d. JUL 1881)
Papineau, Yolande
Papineau, Yolande
Papineau, Yvette ( d. 2000)
Papineau, Yvette (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Yvonne
Papineau, Yvonne (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Yvonne Celeste (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Yvonne Renee (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau, Zepher (b. 3 NOV 1922 - d. 29 SEP 1968)
Papineau, Zoe (b. 3 SEP 1843 - d. 7 OCT 1858)
Papineau-Couture, Alice
Papineau-Couture, Bernard
Papineau-Couture, Brian
Papineau-Couture, Claude (b. 11 MAY 1949 - d. 17 DEC 1975)
Papineau-Couture, Danielle (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau-Couture, Gilles (b. 1918)
Papineau-Couture, Gui ( d. 1993)
Papineau-Couture, Henriette
Papineau-Couture, Jannine
Papineau-Couture, Jean
Papineau-Couture, Linda
Papineau-Couture, Louise
Papineau-Couture, Mark ( d. 1989)
Papineau-Couture, Michael
Papineau-Couture, Monique
Papineau-Couture, Odette
Papineau-Couture, René
Papineau-Couture, Rose-Mary
Papineau-Couture, Suzanne
Papineau-Couture, Yves (b. --Not Shown--)
Papineau-Papinault, André
Paquet, Helena (b. 7 DEC 1682 - d. ABT 6 MAY 1758)
Paquet, Joseph M
Paquet, Judith Catherine (b. ABT 1770)
Paquet, Marie Helene
Paquet, Marie-Anne
Paquet, Rene (b. BET 1631 AND 1660 - d. BET 1685 AND 1751)
Paquet-Lavelle, Eleonore
Paquet-Lavelle, Marguerite (b. ABT 1825)
Paquette, Abondius
Paquette, Catherine
Paquette, Emma
Paquette, Euxodie
Paquette, Exauria
Paquette, Jean Lionel (b. --Not Shown--)
Paquette, Kaitlyn Dorothy (b. --Not Shown--)
Paquette, Marguerite (b. 21 MAR 1903 - d. 4 NOV 1967)
Paquette, Noah (b. --Not Shown--)
Paquette, Ronald
Paradis, Bertha Louise (b. 22 DEC 1891 - d. 22 NOV 1977)
Paradis, E S Isadore (b. 7 DEC 1889 - d. 26 AUG 1952)
Paradis, Earl Cyrille (b. 9 OCT 1906 - d. 6 JUN 1972)
Paradis, Homer (b. 8 AUG 1897 - d. ABT 1970)
Paradis, Marie Cyrille (b. 27 SEP 1860 - d. 19 JUN 1933)
Paradis, Mary Julia (b. 16 MAY 1893)
Paradis, Mederise (b. 9 JUL 1899 - d. 9 JUL 1899)
Paradis, Pierre
Paradis, Raymond Oliver (b. 17 AUG 1902 - d. 21 AUG 1970)
Paradis, Richard Arden (b. --Not Shown--)
Paradis\Parady, Gerald Ray (b. --Not Shown--)
Parady, John Edward (b. --Not Shown--)
Parady, Mary Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Pare, Louise
Paré, Marie des Anges
Parent, David
Parent, Elisabeth (b. ABT 1883)
Parent, Louis Jean Baptiste (b. ABT 1889)
Parent, Marie
Parent, Monique (b. BET 1786 AND 1787 - d. 4 OCT 1847)
Parent, Virginie (b. ABT 1883)
Paris, Joseph
Parise, Isabelle (b. 1616)
Parisis, Elisabeth (b. 1619)
PARKER, DONALD RAY (b. --Not Shown--)
PARKER, ELDON MAURICE (b. 13 FEB 1924 - d. JUL 1993)
PARKER, FLORENCE RENE (b. 20 SEP 1896 - d. 29 DEC 1900)
PARKER, JEFFREY ALAN (b. --Not Shown--)
PARKER, LILA MARIE (b. --Not Shown--)
PARKER, MELISSA ANN (b. --Not Shown--)
PARKER, PHILIP ELWYN (b. 17 JUN 1893 - d. 30 MAY 1977)
Pas, Gabrielle Je Ne Savoir (b. --Not Shown--)
Pasch, Daniel Frank (b. --Not Shown--)
Pasch, Jeffrey John (b. --Not Shown--)
Pasch, Jodi Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Pasch, Karla Jo (b. --Not Shown--)
Patenaude, Genevieve (b. 1763)
PATENAUDE, GENEVIEVE (b. 1789 - d. 28 JUL 1872)
Patenaude, Pierre
Patenault, Albert (b. MAY 1872 - d. 2 JUL 1872)
PATENAULT, Alexandre (b. ABT 1875)
PATENAULT, Alexandre (b. ABT 1875)
PATENAULT, Alexandre (b. ABT 1875)
PATENAULT, Alexis (b. 12 OCT 1830 - d. 19 OCT 1830)
PATENAULT, Alphonse (b. 1852 - d. 13 MAR 1858)
PATENAULT, Alphonsime (b. 12 AUG 1841)
PATENAULT, Angele (b. ABT 1774)
PATENAULT, Anonyme (b. 27 APR 1856 - d. 27 APR 1856)
Patenault, Anonyme (b. 4 FEB 1860 - d. 4 FEB 1860)
PATENAULT, Augustin (b. 24 MAR 1825)
PATENAULT, Catherine (b. 14 SEP 1829 - d. 21 DEC 1831)
PATENAULT, Charles Casimire
PATENAULT, Flavie (b. 15 AUG 1828)
Patenault, Francois (b. 12 JUL 1821)
PATENAULT, Francois Xavier (b. 1865 - d. 17 JAN 1927)
PATENAULT, Francois Xavier (b. 1865 - d. 17 JAN 1927)
PATENAULT, Francois Xavier (b. 1865 - d. 17 JAN 1927)
PATENAULT, Genevieve
Patenault, Henri (b. 1863 - d. 1937)
PATENAULT, Henriette (b. 21 JAN 1824 - d. 17 FEB 1833)
PATENAULT, Honor (b. 10 FEB 1835)
PATENAULT, Honor (b. 10 FEB 1835)
PATENAULT, Honor (b. 10 FEB 1835)
PATENAULT, Jean (b. ABT 1803)
PATENAULT, Joseph ( d. See Notes)
PATENAULT, Joseph (b. 5 OCT 1814)
PATENAULT, Joseph Arthur (b. 1863 - d. 10 FEB 1869)
PATENAULT, Joseph Avila (b. 1864 - d. 16 FEB 1864)
PATENAULT, Joseph Oscar (b. AUG 1868 - d. 12 SEP 1868)
PATENAULT, Julienne (b. 19 MAR 1818)
PATENAULT, Leontine (b. ABT 1877)
PATENAULT, Leontine (b. ABT 1877)
PATENAULT, Leontine (b. ABT 1877)
PATENAULT, Leontine (b. ABT 1877)
PATENAULT, Louis (b. 21 NOV 1822)
PATENAULT, Louis (b. ABT 1831)
PATENAULT, Louis Alphonse (b. JAN 1860 - d. 21 JUL 1860)
PATENAULT, Marie (b. 13 AUG 1868 - d. 26 AUG 1868)
PATENAULT, Marie Hubert (b. JUN 1844 - d. 12 AUG 1844)
PATENAULT, Marie Louisa (b. 5 JUN 1894 - d. 17 JUL 1894)
PATENAULT, Marie Louisa (b. 5 JUN 1894 - d. 17 JUL 1894)
PATENAULT, Marie Louisa (b. 5 JUN 1894 - d. 17 JUL 1894)
PATENAULT, Marie Louise (b. 23 OCT 1815)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. 13 NOV 1782 - d. 20 JUL 1856)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. 26 MAY 1813)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1792)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1821)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1823)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1870)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1870)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1870)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. ABT 1870)
PATENAULT, Michel (b. JUL 1861 - d. 16 JUN)
PATENAULT, Monique (b. ABT 1835)
PATENAULT, Narcisse (Nelson) (b. ABT 1833)
PATENAULT, Narcisse (b. 18 MAY 1826)
PATENAULT, Philomene (b. 10 DEC 1837)
PATENAULT, Rose (b. NOV 1864 - d. 27 AUG 1865)
PATENAULT, Samuel (b. ABT 1862)
PATENAULT, Samuel (b. ABT 1862)
PATENAULT, Samuel (b. ABT 1862)
PATENAULT, Samuel (b. AUG 1866 - d. 9 JUN 1867)
PATENAULT, Sophie (b. 9 JUN 1819)
PATENAULT, Thais Anasthasis (b. 15 DEC 1831)
Patenault, Theophile (b. ABT 1856)
PATENAULT, Theotiste (b. 23 MAR 1817)
PATENAULT, Toussaint (b. 17 JUN 1827)
Paterson, James Frame
Paterson, Thomas
Paterson, William
Paterson, William Lund (b. --Not Shown--)
Patient, Yvonne
Patry, Madeleine (b. 3 FEB 1707)
Patry, Marguerite (b. 25 SEP 1697 - d. 1775)
Patterson, Melissa
Paul, Barbara Jean (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Darren James (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, David
Paul, David Brian (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Doris
Paul, Emily Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Evan William (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, George Henry (b. 2 MAY 1915 - d. 19 DEC 1967)
Paul, George William (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Jason David (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Jeffrey Bryan (b. --Not Shown--)
PAUL, JODEE JEAN (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, Lauren Rachel (b. --Not Shown--)
Paul, William (Bill)
Payette, Margaret
PAYNE, RONNIE (b. --Not Shown--)
Payzant, Henry H.
Payzant, Marion ( d. 28 AUG 1988)
Peck, Ruby ( d. 9 JAN 1981)
Peddieson, Ian Purves (b. --Not Shown--)
Peddieson, John Eric (b. --Not Shown--)
Peddieson, Karen Lynne (b. --Not Shown--)
Pedersen, Arthur (b. --Not Shown--)
Pedersen, Gary Arthur (b. --Not Shown--)
Pedersen, Karin Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Pedersen, Nancy Elizabeth (b. --Not Shown--)
PELLETIER, BLANCHE ANNETTE (b. 1 AUG 1914 - d. 1 OCT 1996)
Pemperton, Thesa Velma (b. --Not Shown--)
PENSONEAU, Adelaide Elisabeth (b. 28 OCT 1840 - d. 10 JAN 1843)
PENSONEAU, Adelline (b. 28 SEP 1844 - d. 30 SEP 1844)
Pensoneau, August (b. 13 DEC 1861 - d. 30 AUG 1925)
PENSONEAU, August (b. 1846)
PENSONEAU, Auguste (b. 8 FEB 1822)
PENSONEAU, Celeste (b. 17 JAN 1831 - d. 29 JUL 1833)
Pensoneau, Etienne (b. 14 SEP 1819 - d. 6 FEB 1882)
Pensoneau, Felicite (b. ABT 1816)
PENSONEAU, Felicite Henriette (b. 26 JUL 1838)
PENSONEAU, Francois (b. 6 JUL 1839 - d. 1 AUG 1841)
PENSONEAU, Joseph (b. 10 APR 1838 - d. 14 APR 1838)
Pensoneau, Josephine (b. 1854)
PENSONEAU, Louis (b. 27 JUN 1824)
PENSONEAU, Louis (b. 31 DEC 1833 - d. 10 NOV 1862)
PENSONEAU, Louis Edward ( d. 21 MAR 1907)
Pensoneau, Louis Perry (b. 1 MAY 1824 - d. 1887)
Pensoneau, Marie Louise (b. 1796 - d. 15 DEC 1816)
PENSONEAU, Marie Louise (b. 20 OCT 1835)
Pensoneau, Mary Susan (b. 1858)
Pensoneau, Narcissus
Pensoneau, Pascal (b. ABT 1804)
Pensoneau, Stephen
PENSONEAU, Therese (b. 30 OCT 1841 - d. 3 FEB 1866)
Pensoneau, Velma
PENSONEAU, William Bissel (b. 17 OCT 1844 - d. 23 FEB 1923)
PEPIN, HYPOLITE (bp. 10 NOV 1762 - d. 6 NOV 1765)
PEPIN, Joseph
PEPIN, JULIE (bp. 17 MAY 1759 - d. 26 JUL 1761)
PEPIN, Louis
PEPIN, LOUISE MICHELLE (bp. 26 JAN 1716 - d. 20 JAN 1748)
Pepin, M. Desanges
PEPIN, MADELEINE (bp. 22 SEP 1760 - d. 7 NOV 1760)
PEPIN, MADELEINE (bp. 22 SEP 1760 - d. 7 NOV 1760)
PEPIN, MARIE CATHERINE (bp. 25 MAY 1723 - d. 13 JUL 1744)
PEPIN, MARIE MADELEINE (b. 1757 - d. 5 MAY 1759)
PEPIN, MICHEL (bp. 6 DEC 1766)
PEPIN, MICHEL (bp. 6 DEC 1766)
PEPIN, PIERRE (bp. 12 MAR 1725)
PEPIN, PIERRE (bp. 4 MAR 1776 - d. 28 MAR 1836)
PEPIN, PIERRE (bp. 4 MAR 1776 - d. 28 MAR 1836)
PEPIN, PIERRE (bp. 8 OCT 1761 - d. 18 AUG 1762)
PEPIN, PIERRE (bp. 8 OCT 1761 - d. 18 AUG 1762)
PEPIN, RENE HYPOLITE (bp. 5 DEC 1728 - d. 5 FEB 1802)
PEPIN, VERONIQUE (b. 1727 - d. 22 MAY 1756)
Pepin?, Isabelle Lachance(b. 16 FEB 1662 - d. 7 JUL 1738)
Perfitt, Thomas Eugene Dr.(b. --Not Shown--)
Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Périllard, Nicolas Bourguignon (b. 24 MAR 1706)
Perkins, Eurand C.
Perkins, Tom
PERRALLI, BUTCH (b. --Not Shown--)
PERRAS, AMABLE (bp. 19 OCT 1757)
PERRAS, ANDRE (bp. 16 DEC 1742)
PERRAS, Andre (b. 22 JUN 1716)
Perras, Antoine
PERRAS, Antoine (b. 1736)
PERRAS, Antoine (b. ABT 1767)
PERRAS, Antoine (b. ABT 1801)
PERRAS, Antoine (b. ABT 1835)
PERRAS, Etienne (b. ABT 1747)
Perras, Louise (b. 1 MAY 1899 - d. 1 APR 1991)
PERRAS, Louise (b. ABT 1786)
Perras, Marguerite (bp. 15 APR 1739)
PERRAS, MARIE ANNE (bp. 15 APR 1744)
PERRAS, MARIE CATHERINE (bp. 7 JUN 1741 - d. 27 JUN 1741)
Perras, Osias (b. 16 DEC 1873 - d. 22 MAR 1955)
Perreault, Esther
Perreault, Fleur Ange (b. 5 MAY 1916)
Perreault, Pierre Arthur
Perrin, Deanna Amelia (b. --Not Shown--)
Perrin, Kevin James (b. --Not Shown--)
Perrin, Larry James (b. --Not Shown--)
PERRON, Francois (b. ABT 1804)
Perron, Jean Louis (b. ABT 1892)
PERRY, Henriette (b. ABT 1803)
Perry\Prairie, Adeline (b. 1 NOV 1849 - d. 13 MAR 1942)
Persain, Louise (b. 1861 - d. 1930)
Perschy, Theresa (b. 11 OCT 1897 - d. 28 AUG 1986)
Peters, Barbara Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Peters, Edythe Thelma (b. 27 JAN 1918)
Peters, Florence (Vernon) (b. 30 MAY 1916)
Peters, Frank Sheldon (b. MAR 1870)
Peters, Henry Sheldon (b. 13 DEC 1919)
Peters, Henry Sheldon Jr (b. 22 SEP 1942 - d. JUN 1943)
Peters, Jennifer Lane (b. --Not Shown--)
Peters, Lottie C (b. SEP 1897 - d. 1904)
Peters, Milton
Peters, Sheldon Frank (b. --Not Shown--)
Peters, Vernie F (b. JUL 1894 - d. 5 MAY 1929)
Peterson, Carrie E Summers (b. 2 JUL 1876 - d. 29 OCT 1965)
Peterson, Dennis
Peterson, Floyd
PETERSON, JERRY LEE (b. --Not Shown--)
Peterson, Vicki Joann (b. --Not Shown--)
PETIT, Charles (b. ABT 1857)
PETIT, Lizzie (b. ABT 1864)
Petit, Marie
PETRIMOULT, Charlotte (b. ABT 1764)
Petro, Amanda
Petro, Carl Leonard (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Christopher (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Jeffrey Paul (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Melinda Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Michael Kenneth (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Phillip Allen (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Renee Marie Luse (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Robin Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Tammy
Petro, Thomas Allen (b. 16 MAR 1974 - d. 18 MAR 1974)
Petro, Thomas Carl (b. --Not Shown--)
Petro, Timothy Allen (b. --Not Shown--)
Pettey, Renea Dorreen (b. --Not Shown--)
PETTIT, ANDREA MARIE (b. --Not Shown--)
PETTIT, ARIAH ROSE (b. --Not Shown--)
Pettit, Barbara Lyn
PETTIT, JESSICA MARIE (b. --Not Shown--)
PETTITT, KEITH (b. --Not Shown--)
Peuron, Catherine
Phaneuf, Amable
Phaneuf, Clemence (b. ABT 1800)
Phaneuf, Euphrosine
Phaneuf, Francois
Phaneuf, Francois-Marie Paul (b. 19 JAN 1765 - d. 28 OCT 1823)
Phaneuf, Isaac
Phaneuf, Jean Baptiste
Phaneuf, Joseph
Phaneuf, Marie Angelique
Phaneuf, Marie Annette
Phaneuf, Marie Apolline
Phaneuf, Marie Appoline
Phaneuf, Marie Ostie
Phaneuf, Marie Pauline
Phaneuf, Marie Rose
Phaneuf, Paul (b. 1734)
Phaneuf, Pierre
Phaneuf, Rosalie
Phaneuf, Tharsele
PHILIBERT, Augustin (b. 8 OCT 1839)
PHILIBERT, Clemence (b. 9 SEP 1835)
PHILIBERT, Domitille (b. 17 NOV 1833 - d. 2 FEB 1846)
PHILIBERT, Jean (b. 14 APR 1842 - d. 1 OCT 1843)
PHILIBERT, Jean (b. ABT 1804)
PHILIBERT, Joanne Therese (b. 6 OCT 1845)
PHILIBERT, Julia (b. 6 OCT 1845 - d. 28 APR 1868)
PHILIBERT, Octavia (b. 2 NOV 1837 - d. 31 JAN 1854)
PHILIBERT, Philomine (b. 14 APR 1842 - d. 13 SEP 1844)
PHILLIPS, ALBERT ASAPH (b. 4 JUN 1887 - d. 10 MAY 1958)
PHILLIPS, AMANDA (b. --Not Shown--)
PHILLIPS, JEAN ANN (b. --Not Shown--)
Phillips, John
Phoenix, Josée
Picard, Alexandre
Piche, Charles
PICHE, Delvina (b. ABT 1888)
Picotte, Susan (b. 10 MAR 1846 - d. 28 JUL 1915)
Piedalu, Abraham
Piedalu, Adalia
Piedalu, Adoulcia
Piedalu, Aldea
Piedalu, Alphonse (b. 1852 - d. 1854)
Piedalu, Anastasie
Piedalu, Andre
Piedalu, Andre
Piedalu, Angelique (b. 18 FEB 1759)
Piedalu, Anita
Piedalu, Anna
PIEDALU, ANTOINE (bp. 12 FEB 1760 - d. 21 AUG 1760)
Piedalu, Aurelia (b. 14 DEC 1844)
Piedalu, Aurore
Piedalu, Blanche
Piedalu, Carole
Piedalu, Charles (b. 1765 - d. 1826)
Piedalu, Charlotte (b. ABT 1761)
Piedalu, Clotilde (b. 6 MAY 1823 - d. 23 JAN 1883)
Piedalu, David
Piedalu, David (b. 1827 - d. 1880)
Piedalu, Denis
Piedalu, Domitilde (b. 5 MAY 1819)
Piedalu, Edouard (b. 1894)
Piedalu, Elmire
Piedalu, Emilie (b. 5 APR 1815 - d. 23 MAY 1839)
Piedalu, Etienne (b. 1772 - d. 1838)
Piedalu, Felix
Piedalu, Fernand
Piedalu, Gilles (b. --Not Shown--)
Piedalu, Gisele
Piedalu, Guillaume
Piedalu, Isaac (b. 1792)
Piedalu, Jacques
Piedalu, Jean Isaac (b. 30 NOV 1829)
Piedalu, Jean-Amable (b. 1864 - d. 1918)
Piedalu, Joseph (b. 1756 - d. 28 JAN 1761)
Piedalu, Joseph Abraham (b. 28 OCT 1828)
Piedalu, Joseph Etienne (b. 17 MAR 1729 - d. 1807)
Piedalu, Joseph Indiana
Piedalu, Joseph-Etienne (b. 17 MAR 1729 - d. 1807)
Piedalu, Josephine
Piedalu, Julienne
Piedalu, Leocadie
Piedalu, Leon (b. 29 MAR 1828)
Piedalu, Leonidas (b. 1919)
Piedalu, Lionel
Piedalu, Marc
Piedalu, Marcel
Piedalu, Marguerite (b. 24 NOV 1757)
Piedalu, Marie Cesorie (b. 23 OCT 1830 - d. 15 JUL 1835)
Piedalu, Marie Hipolyte (b. 15 JUN 1760)
Piedalu, Marie Louise (b. 7 JUN 1825)
PIEDALU, MARIE MARGUERITE (bp. 11 FEB 1756 - d. 8 AUG 1756)
Piedalu, Marie-Andree
Piedalu, Marie-Hipolyte (b. 15 JUN 1760)
Piedalu, Marie-Odile
PIEDALU, MICHEL ARCHANGE (bp. 5 JUN 1753 - d. 2 OCT 1753)
Piedalu, Michele
Piedalu, Narcisse (b. 18 FEB 1829 - d. 2 AUG 1878)
Piedalu, Osias
Piedalu, Papenus Paphus (b. 11 SEP 1821 - d. 25 MAY 1854)
Piedalu, Paul
Piedalu, Paul (b. 18 AUG 1832 - d. 14 JUL 1835)
Piedalu, Pierre
Piedalu, Rene
Piedalu, Robert
Piedalu, Rosalie
Piedalu, Rosalie
Piedalu, Rosalie (b. 29 MAY 1796 - d. 25 SEP 1837)
Piedalu, Suzette
Piedalu, Sylvie
Piedalu, Thelesphore
Piedalu, Virginie
Piedalu, Yvan
Piedalu\Prairie, Bellanease (b. ABT 1853)
Piedalu\Prairie, Catherine (b. ABT 1845)
Piedalu\Prairie, Charles ( d. 1826)
Piedalu\Prairie, Clovis (b. 25 AUG 1853 - d. 28 MAR 1864)
Piedalu\Prairie, Dominique (b. 4 AUG 1818 - d. 17 FEB 1897)
Piedalu\Prairie, Flavie (b. ABT 1856)
Piedalu\Prairie, Fred (b. ABT 1858)
Piedalu\Prairie, Henry (b. ABT 1837 - d. 15 APR 1841)
Piedalu\Prairie, Isaac
Piedalu\Prairie, Joseph (b. 30 JUN 1823 - d. 3 NOV 1834)
Piedalu\Prairie, Joseph Clovis I I(b. 1789 - d. 20 MAR 1857)
Piedalu\Prairie, Joseph Napoleon (b. 30 JUL 1842 - d. 12 DEC 1928)
Piedalu\Prairie, Josephine
Piedalu\Prairie, Josephine (b. 13 MAR 1835)
Piedalu\Prairie, Julien\Julius (b. 25 JUN 1820 - d. 28 DEC 1900)
Piedalu\Prairie, Leon (b. ABT 1803)
Piedalu\Prairie, Marguerite (b. 13 FEB 1822)
Piedalu\Prairie, Marie Aurelie (b. 11 OCT 1839)
Piedalu\Prairie, Pierre (b. 21 MAR 1831 - d. MAR 1863)
Piedalu\Prairie, Rosalie (b. 5 JAN 1820)
Piedalue, Absolon (b. 24 APR 1853 - d. 25 NOV 1930)
Piedalue, Aimee (b. 3 OCT 1892)
Piedalue, Alexandre (b. 11 JUN 1887 - d. 3 DEC 1888)
Piedalue, Alexcenia (b. 17 MAY 1882 - d. 23 JUL 1902)
Piedalue, Alexina
Piedalue, Alice
Piedalue, Alice (b. 23 OCT 1892)
Piedalue, Alice Zepherine (b. 17 JAN 1885)
Piedalue, Alphonse
Piedalue, Anatole (b. 31 DEC 1861 - d. 1943)
Piedalue, Andre
Piedalue, Anna (b. 12 OCT 1890)
Piedalue, Arthur Edward (b. 12 AUG 1857 - d. 13 SEP 1923)
Piedalue, Bertha Cecelia (b. 13 SEP 1894)
Piedalue, Bina
Piedalue, Caleb (b. 24 MAR 1856 - d. 11 APR 1917)
Piedalue, Carl Hector (b. --Not Shown--)
Piedalue, Cath
Piedalue, Catherine (b. ABT 1753)
Piedalue, Charles (b. 1821)
PIEDALUE, Charles (b. ABT 1779)
Piedalue, Charles Edward
Piedalue, Clara
Piedalue, Clorinthe
Piedalue, Cora
Piedalue, Doris Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Piedalue, Edward Arthur (b. 28 AUG 1896 - d. MAR 1977)
Piedalue, Edward Charles (b. 17 JAN 1885 - d. 14 JAN 1919)
Piedalue, Emma
Piedalue, Euclide
Piedalue, Eugene William (b. 23 DEC 1900)
Piedalue, Eugenie
Piedalue, Febronne (b. 26 JUN 1864 - d. 1939)
Piedalue, George
Piedalue, George Harry (b. 6 AUG 1898)
Piedalue, Harvey\Harrey
Piedalue, Hector Joseph Alphonse (b. 14 SEP 1867 - d. 27 MAR 1950)
Piedalue, Henrie
Piedalue, Irene
Piedalue, Irene (b. 22 OCT 1890)
Piedalue, Isaac (b. 25 JUN 1827 - d. 6 NOV 1915)
PIEDALUE, Isaac (b. ABT 1802)
Piedalue, J A Euclid (b. 17 MAY 1885)
Piedalue, Jacques
Piedalue, Jean Arthur (b. 24 JAN 1859 - d. 27 NOV 1940)
Piedalue, Joseph (b. 1838)
Piedalue, Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
PIEDALUE, Joseph (b. ABT 1767)
PIEDALUE, Joseph (b. ABT 1797)
Piedalue, Joseph Arsene (b. 29 JUN 1888)
Piedalue, Joseph Gustave (b. 15 FEB 1885 - d. 19 JUL 1972)
Piedalue, Joseph Milieu\Emilieu (b. 5 JUN 1872 - d. 1883)
Piedalue, Joseph Roy (b. 1 OCT 1897 - d. 10 JAN 1919)
Piedalue, Jovite P (b. 1828)
Piedalue, Jules (b. 1832)
Piedalue, Julien
Piedalue, Julien Bertrand (b. 5 DEC 1723 - d. 25 DEC 1796)
Piedalue, Juliene (b. 1832)
Piedalue, Laura
Piedalue, Laura (b. 24 JAN 1889)
Piedalue, Leonis (b. 1 APR 1870)
Piedalue, Louise Jeannine
Piedalue, Marguerite Lea (b. 13 SEP 1862 - d. 23 FEB 1934)
PIEDALUE, Marie Agathe (b. 1767)
Piedalue, Marie Agnes
Piedalue, Marie Agnes (b. 16 AUG 1878 - d. 1969)
Piedalue, Marie Almina (b. 15 MAY 1882)
PIEDALUE, Marie Anne (b. SEP 1755 - d. 27 NOV 1755)
Piedalue, Marie Cath (bp. 11 SEP 1751)
Piedalue, Marie Eliza (b. 8 MAR 1884 - d. 29 MAR 1965)
Piedalue, Marie Laura (b. 17 MAR 1886)
Piedalue, Marie Louise Stephenie (b. 17 JAN 1866 - d. 13 AUG 1951)
Piedalue, Marie Regina (b. 20 SEP 1890)
Piedalue, Mederic
Piedalue, Paul (b. 1790 - d. 13 DEC 1859)
Piedalue, Raymond
Piedalue, Richard
Piedalue, Rita
Piedalue, Robert (b. --Not Shown--)
Piedalue, Robert Joseph (b. 2 AUG 1894 - d. 14 AUG 1951)
PIEDALUE, Rose (b. ABT 1806)
Piedalue, Tanera\Tancrede (b. 12 JUN 1851 - d. 3 JUN 1872)
Piedalue, Ulric
Piedalue, Victor
Piedalue, Victor (b. 3 APR 1881 - d. 24 OCT 1965)
Piedalue, Vinton (b. 8 FEB 1917 - d. 15 MAR 1967)
Piedalue, Wifrid (b. 14 JAN 1902 - d. FEB 1965)
Piedlow, Alice (b. 2 FEB 1913)
Piedlow, Amanda (b. --Not Shown--)
Piedlow, Amarilla (b. 1845)
Piedlow, Cora Lucy (b. 30 JUL 1871 - d. 31 MAY 1897)
Piedlow, Corene Pearl Amanda (b. 22 DEC 1908)
Piedlow, David M (b. 20 SEP 1850)
Piedlow, Dora
Piedlow, Earl William (b. 16 JUN 1914 - d. 11 DEC 1981)
Piedlow, Edmund (b. 17 DEC 1883 - d. BEF 1900)
Piedlow, Eleanor
Piedlow, Elmer Ray (b. 17 MAY 1919)
Piedlow, Ethel Fay (b. 17 MAY 1919)
Piedlow, Frank Roy (b. 30 JUN 1891)
Piedlow, Fremont (b. 1857)
Piedlow, Gladys (b. 1909)
Piedlow, Harold
Piedlow, Levi (b. 18 JUL 1852 - d. 1886)
Piedlow, Lottie Minnie (b. 21 NOV 1881 - d. 1961)
Piedlow, Mamie (b. AUG 1885)
Piedlow, Margery Ann (b. 5 DEC 1869 - d. 20 AUG 1952)
Piedlow, Marie Matilda (b. 30 SEP 1915 - d. 8 OCT 1915)
Piedlow, Mildred
Piedlow, Myrtle Bessie (b. 30 SEP 1915)
Piedlow, Nellie (b. JUN 1891)
Piedlow, Paulina (b. 20 SEP 1855 - d. 6 MAR 1858)
Piedlow, Sophia (b. 3 JAN 1848)
Piedlow, Thomas Frank (b. 20 DEC 1915)
Piedlow, Walter (b. MAR 1893)
Piedlow, William Sidney (b. 22 MAY 1886 - d. 11 DEC 1959)
Piedlow\Prairie, John Charles\Emile (b. 14 JUN 1878 - d. 3 JAN 1951)
Piedlow\Prairie, Julius Thomas (b. 7 AUG 1846 - d. 24 OCT 1932)
Pielou, Chelsea (b. --Not Shown--)
Pielou, Kayley Coral (b. --Not Shown--)
Pielou, Richard
Pietroniro, Gina (b. --Not Shown--)
Piette, Delphis
Pigeon, Stephanie (b. 14 SEP 1845 - d. 24 NOV 1919)
Piggott, Arthur Cyril (b. 22 MAR 1908 - d. UNKNOWN)
Piggott, Eleanor Claire (b. 8 MAY 1943 - d. 14 DEC 1948)
Piggott, Gladys Evelyn (b. 21 JAN 1912 - d. 6 APR 1991)
Piggott, Gordon Alexander (b. 5 MAR 1910 - d. 19 JUN 1974)
Piggott, Shirley (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN)
Piggott, Stephen Alexander Henry (b. 19 APR 1882)
Piggott, Stephen Henry
Piggott, Terry (b. UNKNOWN)
Pilois, Francoise (b. ABT 1634)
Pilois, Gervais (b. ABT 1600)
Pilon, Alfred
Pilotte, Georgianna (b. 25 JUL 1882)
Pinard, Josephte (b. ABT 1775 - d. BEF 1806)
Pinard, Louis
Pinconneau, Bridget (b. ABT 1800)
Pinconneau, Charles
Pinconneau, Edward
Pinconneau, Francois
Pinconneau, Laurant
Pinconneau, Louis (bp. 13 NOV 1760)
Pinconneau, Louisa (b. ABT 1795)
Pinconneau, Louison
Pinconneau, Marie
Pinconneau, Narcisse
Pinconneau, Paschal
Pineau, Madeleine (b. 25 APR 1660)
Pineau, Pierre (b. 20 NOV 1635 - d. 27 AUG 1708)
Pinguet, Pierre
Pinonneau, Angelique (b. 1755)
Pinonneau, Jacques (b. 1695)
Pinonneau, Jacques (b. 1720)
Pinonneau, Maire Francoise (b. 1717)
Pinonneau, Marie Anne (b. 1718)
Pinonneau, Marie Francoise (b. 1721)
Pinonneau, Rene (b. 1724)
Pinsonnault, Jacques (b. 13 MAR 1682 - d. 22 MAR 1773)
PINSONNEAU, Adelline (b. 1811 - d. 25 FEB 1843)
PINSONNEAU, Auguste (b. 25 AUG 1817 - d. 2 FEB 1822)
PINSONNEAU, Auguste (b. 25 AUG 1817 - d. 2 FEB 1822)
PINSONNEAU, Auguste (b. 25 AUG 1817 - d. 2 FEB 1822)
PINSONNEAU, Auguste (b. 25 AUG 1817 - d. 2 FEB 1822)
PINSONNEAU, Augustin (b. 1808 - d. 12 APR 1826)
Pinsonneau, Augustin (b. 22 FEB 1799 - d. 13 JUL 1818)
Pinsonneau, Augustin (b. 30 SEP 1818 - d. 8 SEP 1891)
PINSONNEAU, Bridgette D. (b. ABT 1807)
PINSONNEAU, Bridgette D. (b. ABT 1807)
PINSONNEAU, Bridgette D. (b. ABT 1816)
PINSONNEAU, Bridgette D. (b. ABT 1816)
PINSONNEAU, Catherine (Flavir) (b. 19 FEB 1834)
Pinsonneau, Charles (b. 20 MAR 1816 - d. 21 DEC 1859)
Pinsonneau, Edward (b. 1810 - d. 29 OCT 1862)
PINSONNEAU, Elisabeth (b. 8 MAY 1835 - d. 10 FEB 1851)
Pinsonneau, Etienne (b. 26 DEC 1769 - d. 31 DEC 1820)
Pinsonneau, Francois (b. 20 MAR 1816 - d. 1860)
PINSONNEAU, Francois (b. 25 JUN 1743)
Pinsonneau, Francois (b. ABT 1728)
PINSONNEAU, Francois Desales (b. 5 AUG 1815 - d. 6 MAR 1836)
PINSONNEAU, Francois Desales (b. 5 AUG 1815 - d. 6 MAR 1836)
PINSONNEAU, Francois Desales (b. 5 AUG 1815 - d. 6 MAR 1836)
PINSONNEAU, Francois Desales (b. 5 AUG 1815 - d. 6 MAR 1836)
PINSONNEAU, Francois Marie (b. 30 NOV 1773)
PINSONNEAU, Jacques (b. 1 JUL 1756 - d. 20 SEP 1760)
PINSONNEAU, Jacques (b. 21 MAR 1720)
PINSONNEAU, Jacques Lambert (b. 2 APR 1742 - d. 25 APR 1742)
Pinsonneau, Joseph (b. 11 APR 1733)
PINSONNEAU, Joseph M. (b. ABT 1754)
PINSONNEAU, Joseph Marie (b. 9 NOV 1759)
PINSONNEAU, Josephine (b. 28 JUL 1822 - d. 17 MAY 1847)
PINSONNEAU, Josephine (b. 28 JUL 1822 - d. 17 MAY 1847)
PINSONNEAU, Josephine (b. 28 JUL 1822 - d. 17 MAY 1847)
PINSONNEAU, Josephine (b. 28 JUL 1822 - d. 17 MAY 1847)
PINSONNEAU, Julie (b. 1809 - d. 9 DEC 1844)
Pinsonneau, Laurent (b. 1805 - d. 18 JUL 1848)
Pinsonneau, Laurent Etienne (b. 16 SEP 1795 - d. 22 DEC 1832)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 12 OCT 1813)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 13 NOV 1760)
Pinsonneau, Louis (b. 1800 - d. 22 FEB 1826)
Pinsonneau, Louis (b. 21 DEC 1765 - d. 24 JAN 1831)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 25 SEP 1775 - d. 26 FEB 1824)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 25 SEP 1775 - d. 26 FEB 1824)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 25 SEP 1775 - d. 26 FEB 1824)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 25 SEP 1775 - d. 26 FEB 1824)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 4 AUG 1813 - d. JUN 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 4 AUG 1813 - d. JUN 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 4 AUG 1813 - d. JUN 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louis (b. 4 AUG 1813 - d. JUN 1844)
Pinsonneau, Louisa (b. 1803 - d. 30 SEP 1824)
PINSONNEAU, Louise (b. 17 OCT 1819 - d. 12 OCT 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louise (b. 17 OCT 1819 - d. 12 OCT 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louise (b. 17 OCT 1819 - d. 12 OCT 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Louise (b. 17 OCT 1819 - d. 12 OCT 1844)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Amable (b. 19 DEC 1739)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Angelique (b. 31 MAR 1755)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Anne (b. 27 AUG 1718)
PINSONNEAU, MARIE FRANCOISE (bp. 7 OCT 1727 - d. 18 DEC 1727)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Francoise (b. 25 JAN 1717)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Francoise (b. 5 OCT 1721)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Francoise (b. 7 OCT 1727 - d. 18 DEC 1727)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Jean (b. 23 MAR 1743 - d. 31 MAR 1743)
PINSONNEAU, MARIE JEANNE (bp. 23 MAR 1743 - d. 31 MAR 1743)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Joseph (b. 23 MAR 1759 - d. 6 JUL 1759)
PINSONNEAU, MARIE JOSEPHTE (bp. 23 MAR 1759 - d. 6 JUL 1759)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Madeleine (b. 3 DEC 1744)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Marguerite (b. 10 FEB 1764 - d. 24 APR 1765)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Marguerite (b. 20 SEP 1755 - d. 26 SEP 1760)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Marguerite (b. 28 NOV 1725)
Pinsonneau, Marie Rebecca (b. 31 MAR 1817)
PINSONNEAU, MARIE ROSE (bp. 11 AUG 1731 - d. 2 MAR 1732)
PINSONNEAU, Marie Rose (b. 11 AUG 1731 - d. 2 MAR 1732)
Pinsonneau, Narcisse (b. 28 NOV 1813 - d. 8 OCT 1878)
PINSONNEAU, Odile (b. ABT 1829)
PINSONNEAU, Pascal (b. 10 SEP 1761)
PINSONNEAU, Paschal (b. 1804 - d. 20 JAN 1836)
Pinsonneau, Paschal (b. 19 APR 1729 - d. 4 FEB 1802)
PINSONNEAU, Paschal (b. 29 APR 1792)
PINSONNEAU, PAUL (bp. 19 APR 1763)
PINSONNEAU, Paul (b. 19 APR 1763)
PINSONNEAU, PIERRE MARIE (bp. 19 FEB 1735 - d. 28 APR 1735)
PINSONNEAU, Pierre Marie (b. 19 FEB 1735 - d. 28 APR 1735)
PINSONNEAU, Rene (b. 15 APR 1740)
PINSONNEAU, Rene (b. 23 MAY 1724)
Pinsonneau, Susanne (b. 1797 - d. 12 JAN 1849)
Pinsonneault, Adrienne ( d. 1970)
Pinsonneault, Paul
PINTO, NICHOLAS (b. 23 JAN 1924 - d. 14 AUG 1982)
Pion, Esdras
Pion-dit-Lafontaine, Jean
Pion-Lafontaine, Jean Louis (b. 1726)
Pion-LaFontaine, Jeanne
Pion-Lafontaine, Maurice
Pion-LaFontaine, Nicolas
Pirfitt, Tomas
Pise, Walter Joseph
Piton, Simon (b. ABT 1670)
Plante, Joseph
Plante, Marie Elmire (b. BET 1881 AND 1882 - d. 29 JAN 1967)
Points, Carla (b. --Not Shown--)
Poirer, Herminie (b. 6 OCT 1908 - d. 19 DEC 1987)
Poirer, Marguerite
Poirier, Edouard (b. ABT 1861)
Poirier, Eloise
Poirier, Isidore
Poirier, Joseph
Poissant, Mathilde (b. ABT 1878)
Poissant, Valeda
Poisson, Adelard Louis (b. 20 AUG 1889 - d. 10 FEB 1964)
Poisson, Alfred (b. 8 SEP 1879)
Poisson, Alphonse
Poisson, Charl.
Poisson, Damas J. (b. 9 MAR 1857 - d. 10 MAY 1944)
Poisson, Damase
Poisson, Damase
Poisson, Damase
Poisson, Edmond
Poisson, Edmund C. (b. 6 DEC 1881)
Poisson, Eugenia
Poisson, Francois
Poisson, Frank
Poisson, George
Poisson, Helene Sarah (b. 9 OCT 1893)
Poisson, Isidore (b. 4 APR 1898 - d. 18 JUL 1961)
Poisson, Joseph (b. BET 1854 AND 1855)
Poisson, Léocadie
Poisson, Marguerite
Poisson, Marie
Poisson, Martha (b. BET 1905 AND 1906)
Poisson, Paul (b. 25 JUL 1887)
Poisson, Rene (b. 24 JUL 1891 - d. 1973)
Poisson, Thérèsa (b. --Not Shown--)
Poisson, William (b. BET 1882 AND 1883)
Poitevin, Louis (b. ABT 1788)
Poitras, Maurice
Poitras, Patsy (b. --Not Shown--)
POLLINGER, MAE RITA (b. --Not Shown--)
Polmear, Renee (b. --Not Shown--)
Pommier, Francis (Jack)
Pommier, Leah
Pommier, Louis
Ponkey, Henry Truman (b. 20 APR 1936 - d. 20 AUG 1995)
Ponkey, Renee Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Ponkey, Stacey Leeann (b. --Not Shown--)
POOLE, ISAAC (b. 1837 - d. 24 JAN 1912)
Porter, Eliza (b. 15 OCT 1836 - d. 25 DEC 1922)
POTSCHE, FABIENNE (b. --Not Shown--)
POTSCHE, ROSELYNE (b. --Not Shown--)
Potvin, Royal Moise (b. JAN 1942 - d. 19 MAR 1990)
Pounin, Jean (sieur de La Faye)
POUPART, Joseph (b. ABT 1872)
POUPART, Marie Catherine (b. ABT 1873)
Poupeau, Vincent (b. ABT 1670)
Pournain, Marie (b. 1 JAN 1625 - d. 2 OCT 1699)
Poutre, Julien
POUTRE, Lena Ann
POUTRE, Lena Ann (b. OCT 1855)
POUTRE, Rolande (b. ABT 1917)
Powell, Ben G.
POWELL, JAMES EARL (b. --Not Shown--)
POWELL, JASON EARL (b. --Not Shown--)
Powell, L. Angeline
Powell, Lonzady E. ( d. 7 MAY 1880)
Powell, N. Elizabeth
POWELL, RANDALL (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Adele
Prairie, Aggie
Prairie, Amber Rae (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Ambrose (b. 8 OCT 1866 - d. 11 MAR 1961)
Prairie, Andrew Thomas (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Anthony H
Prairie, Arlene Hollis (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Arthur
Prairie, Arthur Elmer (Edmund) (b. 19 APR 1894)
Prairie, Barbara
Prairie, Bernard
Prairie, Bertha
Prairie, Blanche (b. 1902 - d. NOV 1986)
Prairie, Brent (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Brett
Prairie, Brian (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Bryan John (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Cally Theresa (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Carol Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Cecil (b. 1904)
Prairie, Celia (b. 9 JUN 1874 - d. 24 NOV 1946)
Prairie, Clifford (b. 5 AUG 1907 - d. 6 FEB 1981)
Prairie, Clifford Jr
Prairie, Clovis (b. 7 MAR 1857 - d. 25 AUG 1944)
Prairie, Dale (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Darlene Elsie "Muffie" (b. 6 JUN 1927 - d. 27 MAR 1999)
Prairie, David
Prairie, David Robert (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Delmar E
Prairie, Delores
Prairie, Diane Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Donald
Prairie, Donald Craig (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Donald Lee
Prairie, Donald Lee (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Doris
Prairie, Dorothy
Prairie, Douglas G
Prairie, Edward (b. 5 JUN 1921 - d. 20 DEC 1962)
Prairie, Eliza (Lizzie) (b. 30 SEP 1868 - d. 31 MAR 1956)
Prairie, Elizabeth Lynne (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Elmer Clovis
PRAIRIE, EUGENE (b. 25 JAN 1879)
Prairie, Evelyn Elizabeth (Betty) (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Felicite (b. 13 JAN 1877 - d. 15 MAR 1941)
PRAIRIE, FELIX (b. 13 AUG 1850 - d. 21 AUG 1907)
Prairie, Fred
Prairie, Frederic Julius (b. 12 MAR 1889 - d. 16 APR 1930)
Prairie, Frederick Jr
Prairie, Genevieve Sophie (b. 17 JAN 1907)
Prairie, George (b. 10 SEP 1885 - d. 15 AUG 1961)
Prairie, Gordon
PRAIRIE, HENRI (b. 17 SEP 1870 - d. 1 OCT 1870)
Prairie, Henrietta
Prairie, Henry ( d. 1 MAR 1961)
Prairie, Henry
Prairie, Howard Raymond (b. 3 MAR 1904 - d. 27 FEB 1985)
Prairie, Howard Raymond Jr (b. --Not Shown--)
PRAIRIE, IRENE (b. 11 JUN 1884)
Prairie, Irwilda (b. 1920)
Prairie, James Edwin
Prairie, Jean (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Jeanette Michelle (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Jeanne Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Jene Michael
Prairie, Jennie Matilda (b. 22 JUL 1876 - d. 13 MAY 1966)
Prairie, Jennifer
Prairie, Jesse "Jack" (b. 1890 - d. 29 AUG 1969)
Prairie, Joan Mae (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, John Christopher
Prairie, John Michael (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, John Michael Jr (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Joseph Clovis Piedalu dit (b. 2 JUL 1828 - d. 24 JAN 1911)
Prairie, Joseph Henry (b. 17 OCT 1863 - d. 12 MAY 1941)
Prairie, Joyce
Prairie, Judy
Prairie, Julia (b. 30 JUL 1872 - d. 8 JUN 1964)
Prairie, June
Prairie, Karen Melissa (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Kathleen Ellen (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Kenneth
Prairie, Laurel Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Laurel Lee (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Lavina
Prairie, Lawrence Earl (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Leslie Ellen (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Leslie Jean (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Lettie (b. 12 JUN 1901)
Prairie, Levi (b. 14 FEB 1876 - d. 24 SEP 1940)
Prairie, Levi Napoleon (b. 10 FEB 1902 - d. 7 AUG 1990)
Prairie, Lilly ( d. ABT 11 MAR 1992)
Prairie, Louise
Prairie, Louise
Prairie, Luanna
Prairie, Lucille Helen (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Lyeth Astor (b. 22 FEB 1913 - d. 15 OCT 1992)
Prairie, Lyle Earl (b. 18 OCT 1904 - d. 7 AUG 1978)
Prairie, Marcella (b. 1915 - d. 31 DEC 1991)
Prairie, Marcelline
Prairie, Marie Emma (b. 25 SEP 1871 - d. 26 FEB 1962)
Prairie, Marie M Lord (b. 6 MAY 1856 - d. 28 SEP 1930)
Prairie, Mark Daniel (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Mark Sean (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Mary Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Matilda (b. 23 AUG 1870 - d. 23 JAN 1933)
Prairie, Mederise (b. 4 MAR 1862 - d. 4 APR 1940)
Prairie, Meredith (b. 1910 - d. 1987)
Prairie, Michael
Prairie, Michelle Leann (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Nathan Nipper (b. --Not Shown--)
PRAIRIE, NETTIE (b. 24 OCT 1876)
Prairie, Nora Ann (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Olivine (b. 27 OCT 1878 - d. 25 MAR 1895)
Prairie, Paul (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Rachelle (b. 1917)
Prairie, Rebecca Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Reisha Clare (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Renee Louise (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Richard
Prairie, Robert
Prairie, Robert Joseph (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Robert Lyle (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Robert William (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Rolland (b. 24 MAR 1901 - d. 28 JUL 1970)
Prairie, Russell (b. 1908)
Prairie, Sarah Louise (b. 18 JAN 1926 - d. 4 MAR 1988)
Prairie, Scott E (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Sharon Camille (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Sidney (b. 1898)
Prairie, Stephen Lyle (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Steven
Prairie, Stuart Edward (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Sue
Prairie, Susan Lynn (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Theresa (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Theresa Marie (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, Velda Marie (b. 13 NOV 1920)
Prairie, Vernon (b. 5 JAN 1906 - d. 12 FEB 1990)
Prairie, Vernon Jr
Prairie, Vincent (b. 1926)
Prairie, Vinet
Prairie, Virgil (b. 1911 - d. 14 MAY 1983)
Prairie, Wayne D
Prairie, William (b. 24 MAR 1897 - d. 16 SEP 1975)
Prairie, William Warner (b. --Not Shown--)
Prairie, William Warner Jr (b. --Not Shown--)
Pratt, Grove
Pratt, Jeffrey
Pratt, Myrtle (b. BET 1873 AND 1874)
PRATT, ROBERTA (b. --Not Shown--)
Prejean, Elisabeth
PREVOST, CLAUDE (bp. 2 JAN 1759 - d. 22 AUG 1759)
PREVOST, FELICITE (bp. 3 APR 1756 - d. 18 JUL 1756)
PREVOST, JOSEPH ( d. 2 JAN 1751)
Prevost, Louis
PREVOST, MARIE JOSEPHTE (bp. 8 DEC 1751 - d. 11 AUG 1752)
PREVOST, MARIE MADELEINE (bp. 12 NOV 1757 - d. 19 AUG 1759)
Price, Margaret (b. UNKNOWN - d. UNKNOWN)
PRIDE, DIANE (b. --Not Shown--)
PRIEUR, Donelda (b. 1880 - d. 1976)
PRINCE, BASIL WESTON (b. --Not Shown--)
PRINCE, MARTHA ANN (b. --Not Shown--)
PRINCE, SUSAN JANE (b. --Not Shown--)
Proctor, Sharon Stengl (b. UNKNOWN)
Provancher, Dina
PROVEAU, Joseph (b. ABT 1796)
Provencher, Eugenie
PROVENCHER, IDA (b. 19 MAR 1872)
PROVENCHER, J. A. P. (b. 2 APR 1883)
PROVENCHER, JOSEPH (b. 18 SEP 1837 - d. 20 DEC 1913)
Provost, Albert (b. ABT 1765)
Provost, Albert D. (b. 13 SEP 1797 - d. 9 JUL 1849)
PROVOST, Flavie (b. 25 NOV 1828 - d. 9 JAN 1899)
Provost, Francois (b. 6 JAN 1669 - d. 5 JUN 1711)
Provost, Gabriel (b. 7 JAN 1721)
PROVOST, Joseph (b. 2 FEB 1840)
PROVOST, Marie (b. 27 MAR 1835)
Provost, Marie Anne
PROVOST, Pierre Albert
PROVOST, Pierre Albert (b. 29 JUN 1833)
Provost, Toussaint (b. ABT 1770)
PROVOST, Virginia (b. ABT 1878)
PROVOST, Virginia (b. ABT 1878)
PROVOST, Virginia (b. ABT 1878)
Prunier, Antoine
Pulis, Forest
Purty, Alphonsine
PUTZKE, AMANDA RAE (b. --Not Shown--)
PUTZKE, BRANDON BEAU (b. --Not Shown--)
PUTZKE, ROBERT (b. --Not Shown--)
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