Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Crevier-Bellerive Marie Catherine [Female] b. ABT 1682 - d. 24 APR 1727 Louiseville, Maskinonge, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Mariages de St. François du Lac (1687-1965)
Title: Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes, C. Tanguay
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
From and email sent to me (Anthony Papineau) by Jackie Hostage at
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Anthony Papineau
Author: Larry Voyer
Title: Larry Voyer
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Larry Voyer
Title: Email from Linda Charron
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
Author: Larry Voyer
Title: Larry Voyer
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Larry Voyer
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Crevier-Bellerive Nicolas [Male] b. 1641 - d. AFT 1709 Cap-de-La-Madeleine, Champlain, Québec, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Lecours Louise [Female] b. 1648 - d. AFT 1689
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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La Marque Anne [Female] b. 7 JUL 1648 St.-Andre, Bordeaux, Guyenne, France - d. 1686 Montréal, Québec, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Montréal Census of 1666
Publication: Received via email from Dave Cooper
Author: Archange Godbout
Publication: Published in 1941
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Rough translation about Anne Lamarque from "La Vie Libertine en
Nouvelle-France, Robert Lionel Sequin, pp. 117-139
Born 1649 - Sainte-Colombe, Bordeau d/o Louis & Marie Papineau
m. Charles Testard, 28, 8 Feb. 1666 - s/o Jean & Anne Godfroy of
Saint-Vincent, Rouen
1672 - his wife [wanted to]fly her own wings ...she was as determined as she
was ambitious ... she was not long in taking in the mismanagement of the
community. The inns were very frequented; gentlemen, soldiers, and travelers
rubbed shoulders. Follevelle saw that a similar enterprise would bring him
fortune. Anne Lamarque's inn also was favored with numerous clients.
The lure of the hostess was not above reproach. The search for a rapid gain
led to worse excesses. Cure Jean Fremont asked his brothers for help to no
avail. Faced their indifference, he appealed to secular arms. He demanded
that the officer of justice serve against the vivacious innkeeper.
The neighbors were assigned as witnesses.
She had had an attachment to the deceased Amedee Dauphine ... the witness was
definite on this Point. When she [Anne] was reproached for missing her Easter
duties she said "Do you want me to make a confession that will damn me?"
Follevelle knew how to make a profit from every situation. Fooled by his wife
he eyed other Montréallers. First he had to liberate himself from the marital
collar. At this time the best people associated his spouse with magic. Anne
Lamarque was no exception. Follevelle later wrote to Gadois: I believe that
my wife is a devil I believe that she is a magician. It has been a year since
I have been with her.. I want to separate from her." ... How do you think I
can go back to her when another man said he found my wife sleeping with
another man?"
Most of her admirers were young men. Hebert and LeCavelier had seen a book of
magic in her hands.
Laden with scandal, she meanwhile was pregnant from one of her youthful
lovers. Discommoded by this New state she asked the surgeon to make her
bleed, the real panacea of the era.
Revelation incited the tribunal to question the practitioner, brother-in-law
of the lover. Follevelle declared that on many occasions he saw Pothyer kiss
his wife. All husbands, fooled, have to guard a certain dignity. There were
things that he did not say. The practitioner asked why he tolerated the lover
of his wife in his home.
The young Cavelier (son of Adrianne Duvivier - second marriage) came from a
posh/classy Family. The disparity of social standing and age was the talk of
Montréal. Also the lovers didn't hide their affair. Cavelier spent the whole
winter at the Follevilles. It is common rumor that the child is the child of
The mother of Cavelier went to the frivolous innkeeper to ask her not to let
her son stay with her or at least not to let him sleep there. These pleas did
not touch Anne who continued to receive her young lover.
Cavelier, eighteen years old, approached the bar to give evidence. He said
that the inn of the Follevilles was a house of scandal for all the young
people and once a young man frequented it he did not know how to tear away.
At the instruction of his mother, Cavelier insisted that the hostess had a
book on the art of making love. From there came her success with men.
It was more interesting at the Follevilles. For a year the husband had rarely
come to the inn and always in secret. When Cavelier found the husband one
morning he was stretched out on a cosfre (?) and he did not think he had
slept with his wife. The previous autumn the cuckold repeated to anyone who
would listen that his wife and children had a bad life.
Cavelier's father asked if the inn was a place to debauch children. Once when
he went to get his son she said to the son, "You are not a slave (can't
translate remainder)
The other witnesses were getting impatient in the antechamber.
Anne L was not a woman to live alone. MaDame Bouat testified that upon the
death of Dauphine the innkeeper chose a New lover named Poiter dit LeGoufgiz,
associate of Follevelle.
Jeanne Enard had the reputation of never talking when she had nothing to say.
She confided that one of the daughters of Follevelle said that one night when
she slept with her mother she heard Jean Baptiste Cavellier who was sleeping
with her sigh (?). Can you find a more accommodating hostess?
The list of witnesses is not exhausted yet. Listen to Catherine Duvivier, the
mother of the last lover. She said that the innkeeper not only seduced Jean
Baptiste but Louis as well. He was still a young man which was why his mother
went to Anne to ask that she not give him anything to drink. She pitied
herself (?) and several times called her a whore.
The Caveliers were chagrined to find that their son frequented the inn
Perthuy testified that Follevelle had been living with him when his wife said
that she wanted to see him. Follevelle went to his wife and several days
later he went to Perthuy to tell him that "he was in favor and had slept with
her". But the beautiful Anne tired as quickly of her husband as she did her
lovers. A week later Follevelle came back to say he was sleeping on a straw
Marie Cavelier testified that the daughter [Probably Marie, born 1667?] of
Follevelle was sleeping with her mother when thinking that she was asleep
Cavelier came to sleep in the bed. She heard them puffing and moving one
One time pregnant she went to the local pharmacy to rid herself of her fruit.
She was told that castor beans (?) were good for that.
To be continued ... haven't finished translation>>
From Jean-Yves Papineau
Welcome in the Papineau clan to baby Ember Alyssa (7/7/2000) and best wishes to the happy parents.
Here is a token internet present for the occasion.
It is a copy of the original christening record of her g-g-g-great grand-mother Anne Papineau Lamarque, as copied by my wife Renée in Bordeaux last month.
It is in old French and with spelling errors,reads as follows:
Du Jeudy 9e Juillet 1648
A esté baptisée Anne Lamarque, fille de Louis
Lamarque, et de Marie papineau, paroisse
Ste Colombe, par(ra)in J(e)an Papineau, mar(ra)ine aussi papineau, Nasquit le 7e de ce mois à 7 heures
du soir.
On Thursday 9th of July 1648
Was baptized Anne Lamarque, daughter of Louis
Lamarque and of Marie papineau, parish of
Ste Colombe. Godfather Jean Papineau, godmother also
papineau. Was born 7th of this month at 7 o'clock
in the evening.
Archives départementales de la Gironde, Bordeaux. Paroisse de St-André, microfilm # M I 3401.
- Jean Papineau, the godfather is the brother of Marie Papineau. The godmother is most likely his wife Jeanne Dautieges Papineau. They had 6 children, all baptized at St-André. Do not mistake with Jean Papineau, the Huguenot of nearby Niort (200 miles north) who crossed directly to New-England around 1698 and founded the Popenoe and Poppino lines. We have not so far found a link between these two Papineau families nor with Samuel Papineau's ancestors in Montigny, 50 miles north of Niort.
- Marie's other brother, Olivier, who died in 1684, King Counsellor and banker in La Rochelle is not mentioned but he could have been at the christening. Through his son Pierre-Louis, he is our best chance for a linkage with Jean the Huguenot since both families gave funds to merchant Gabriel Bernon in 1686 for investing in America.
- In those days, baptisms in Bordeaux were all done at the bishop's church of St-Andre. However marriages and burials were allowed at St-Colombe church where the Lamarque family worshipped.
- It is very obvious that they were Catholics, probably as far back as Marie's father, Pierre Papineau who was identified in Bordeaux in 1605 when he obtained his title of "bourgeois"
I also found that Anne Papineau Lamarque arrived in New-France earlier than we thought. She graduated from the Ursulines sisters in Québec city in 1662.
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La Marque Louis [Male] b. 1623 St.-Colombe, Bordeaux, France - d. AFT 1665
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Papineau Marie [Female] b. 1627 - d. AFT 1665
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Parent Monique [Female] b. BET 1786 AND 1787 - d. 4 OCT 1847 Paroisee L'Assomption de Windsor, Canada
Title: Paroisse L'Assomption De Windsor, Ontario
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La Marque Jacques [Male] b. 12 MAR 1643 Bordeaux, Guyenne, France - d. 12 AUG 1705 Montréal, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Author: Archange Godbout
Publication: Published in 1941
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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LeBer Anne [Female] b. BET 1655 AND 1666
Title: Montréal Census of 1666
Publication: Received via email from Dave Cooper
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La Marque Marie Anne [Female] b. 16 MAY 1669
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Nolan Jean [Male]
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Testard Marie [Female] b. 11 AUG 1667 Montréal, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Dulignon Jean [Male]
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Testard Gabriel [Male] b. 28 JAN 1669 Montreal, Ile De Montreal, Quebec - d. 19 SEP 1722 Montréal, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Title: International Genealogical Index (R)
Publication: Copyright (c) 1980, 1997, data as of February 1997
Title: Testard-downloaded-from-LDS.ged
Title: TITLE
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Testard-downloaded-from-LDS.ged
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Jodoin Marie Louise [Female]
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (1608-1760)
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Testard Catherine Marie [Female] b. 18 APR 1671 Montréal, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Author: Jean-Yves Papineau
Title: Jean-Yves Papineau
Publication: Various emails I received from Jean-Yves
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Pinguet Pierre [Male]
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Testard Jean [Male] b. 20 JUN 1672 Montréal, Canada - d. 20 JUN 1672 Montréal, Canada
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Testard Jeanne [Female] b. 11 JUN 1673
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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Gatineau Nicolas [Male]
Title: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec
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