Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Papineau Anthony [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Milwaukee Wisconsin
Author: Doris Hudson and Coleen
Title: Streetman interviews
Author: Doris Hudson and Coleen
Title: Streetman interviews
Author: Doris Hudson and Coleen
Title: Streetman interviews
Author: Doris Hudson and Coleen
Title: Streetman interviews
According to my Grandmother, Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay,
Exert from an email I received from Robert Allen Gourlay on 7-28-1999.
Godfather Theophile Papineau
Imegrated to the Detroit November 16, 1915
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Anthony Papineau
Author: Jean-Yves Papineau
Title: Jean-Yves Papineau
Publication: Various emails I received from Jean-Yves
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Papineau Howard Blake [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Detroit Michigan
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
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Papineau Richard [Male] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Denis Papineau
Title: Denis Papineau
Publication: Various emails I received from Richard starting Feb of 2001
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Bourassa Benoit [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Montréal
Author: Jean-Yves Papineau
Title: Jean-Yves Papineau
Publication: Various emails I received from Jean-Yves
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Bourget Louise [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Montréal
Author: Jean-Yves Papineau
Title: Jean-Yves Papineau
Publication: Various emails I received from Jean-Yves
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Papineau Sarah Marie [Female] b. --Not Shown-- San Diego CaliforniaBack to Main Page
Gourlay William Allan [Male] b. 6 DEC 1892 Scotland - d. 14 APR 1971 Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
William Gourlay, was a cabinet maker. He was recruited by the USA to work in a furniture factory.
He was on his Way to Denver Colorado where he had friends. But, his daughter Mary Simpson Gourlay (May) had Spina bifid a so they wouldn't let her into the USA because she might become a ward of the state.
Dad (William) came over first in 1926. Was in Windsor 6-8 months before everyone else came over. Moved to Windsor because he could get back and fourth to the US easily to work on getting his Family into the USA.
According to Elizabeth, he was the only boy in the Family, he had 3 - 4 sisters.
1. Margarete
2.-3. Twin sisters - ?
Exert from an email I received from Jean Taylor Gourlay (now Straith)
"Hi Anthony. This is Aunt Jean checking in. Replying to your queries. Wm. Gourlay (my Dad sailed to Canada Either l927 or 28. Heading for Colorado eventually where they had friends who settled there. Mum (Jane) arrived Montréal Oct/Nov "28 They settled in Windsor,Ont with the hope of entering the US,but were refused entry because of my sister May's handicap(Spina bifid a) They left Scotland for the land of opportunity like many others. Dad had survived 4 years of WW1 and things at home were depressed..So with high hopes they arrived just
in time for the Depression. How about that for bad luck.?The migrants were Wm. Jane, Elisabeth, Mary, Jean.. Nephews James & Robert Finlay arrived sometime later(Maureen would know).All Dad's sisters (4) stayed home. Ellen,Mary Anne,Margaret & Robina. Kirkcaldy is on the North shore of the Firth of Forth .A bridge crosses to Edinburgh.. "
Exert from an email I received from Robert Allen Gourlay on 7-28-1999.
" Legend has it that my Dad (William Gourlay), after he married Janet took Gladys in to live with them as he couldn't stand the treatment she was getting at the Harvey's. Apparently the 2 of them had a great love of the Highland Dew. As did his father, Robert Allan. (I guess I took after him)."
Exert from an email I received from Grandma Papineau (Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay) on 7-30-1999.
In answer to my question about why William immigrated to North America through Montréal instead of Ellis Island N.Y.
"I thought I explained to you why Dad went to Windsor first. It was close to the border and he would be able to work on getting May into the States,and since Canada was part of the British Empire I'm sure it was easy to immigrate there."
According to my Grandmother, Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay,
William Gourlay, was a cabinet maker. He was recruited by the USA to work in a furniture factory.
He was on his way to Denver Colorado where he had friends. But, his daugher Mary Simpson Gourlay (May) had spina bifida so they wouldn't let her into the USA because she might become a ward of the state.
Dad (William) came over first in 1926. Was in Windsor 6-8 months before everyone else came over. Moved to Windsor because he could get backand fourth to the US easily to work on getting his family into the USA.
According to Elizabeth, he was the only boy in the family, he had 3 - 4 sisters.
1. Margarete
2.-3. Twin sisters - ?
Exert from an email I received from Jean Taylor Gourlay (now Straith)
"Hi Anthony. This is Aunt Jean checking in. Replying to your queries.Wm.Gourlay (my Dad sailed to Canada Either l927 or 28. Heading for Colorado eventually where they had friends who settled there. Mum (Jane) arrived Montréal Oct/Nov "28 They setttled in Windsor,Ont with the hope of entering the US,but were refused entry because of my sister May's handicap(spina bifida) They left Scotlannd for the land of opportunity like many others.Dad had survived 4 years of WW1 and things at home were depressed..So with high hopes they arrived just
in time for the Depression. How about that for bad luck.?The migrants were Wm. Jane, Elisabeth, Mary, Jean.. Nephews James & Robert Finlay arrived sometime later(Maureen would know).All Dad's sisters (4) stayed home. Ellen,MaryAnne,Margaret & Robina. Kircaldy is on the Northshore of the Firth of Forth .A bridge crosses to Edinburgh.. "
Exert from an email I received from Robert Allen Gourlay on 7-28-1999.
" Legend has it that my Dad (William Gourlay), after he married Janet took Gladys in to live with them as he couldn't stand the treatment she was getting at the Harvey's. Apparently the 2 of them had a great love of the Highland Dew. As did his father, Robert Allan. (I guess I took after him)."
Exert from an email I received from Grandma Papineau (Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay) on 7-30-1999.
In answer to my question about why William immegrated to North America through Montréal instead of Ellis Island N.Y.
"I thought I explained to you why Dad went to Windsor first. It was close to the border and he would be able to work on getting May into the States,and since Canada was part of the British Empire I'm sure it was easy to immigrate there."
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Taylor Janet [Female] b. 1 OCT 1893 North Shields, England - d. 28 DEC 1980 Lemington, Ontario, Canada
Title: Maureen Anne Finlay
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
Title: Peg McKeown
Publication: GEDCOM file I received from Peg on 7/25/2000
"I believe my Mum and Aunt Barbara were born in North Shields, England, a
small town on the border with Scotland ( but don't EVER suggest my mum was
anything but a Scot; that would really piss her off)[ she never used
language like that nor let me use it either]. "
Excerpt from an email received from Grandma Papineau (Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay) on 7-30-1999
"Barbara ,Jane and Gladys [Harvey] were all born in England .The name I remember is North Shields. Their Grandmother whose picture you have, lived in a place called Colour Coats and loved poetry When Andrew died Barbara was sent to Scotland to live with her Fathers' people[the Fosters ?] When Elizabeth died Jane was 15 and went to Scotland to live with her sister. Gladys stayed in England with the Harvey's"
Exert from an email I received from Robert Allen Gourlay on 7-28-1999.
"I believe my Mum and Aunt Barbara were born in North Shields, England, a
small town on the border with Scotland ( but don't EVER suggest my mum was
anything but a Scot; that would really piss her off)[ she never used
language like that nor let me use it either]. "
Exerpt from an email received from Grandma Papineau (Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay) on 7-30-1999
"Barbara ,Jane and Gladys [Harvey] were all born in England .The name I remember is North Shields.Their Grandmother whose picture you have, lived in a place called Colour Coats and loved poetry When Andrew died Barbara was sent to Scotland to live with her Fathers' people[the Fosters ?] When Elizabeth died Jane was 15 and went to Scotland to live with her sister.Gladys stayed in England with the Harveys"[gallowaf.ged]
Jane emigrated to Canada with her husband Will Gourlay and sister Barbara Ellen, arriving in Nova Scotia in 1928. She and Will were not able to emigrate to the US because their daughter May was crippled. They remained in Windsor until they
retired to Colechester on Lake Erie.
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Gourlay Robert Allen [Male] b. 1850 Kirkcaldy, Pathhead Scotland
Title: 1881 Fife Scottland Census
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: 1881 Fife Scottland Census
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
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Simpson Mary [Female] b. 1852
Title: Maureen Anne Finlay
Title: 1881 Fife Scottland Census
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: 1881 Fife Scottland Census
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
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Papineau Joseph Paul [Male] b. 15 JAN 1886 Woodslee , Ontario Canada - d. 14 AUG 1923 Detroit Michigan
Title: 1901 Canadian Census
Godmother Marceline Gourve Papineau
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Smith Clara Belle [Female] b. 30 AUG 1887 Schoolcraft Michigan - d. 27 OCT 1968 Howell Michigan
Title: Barbara J. Wright
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Papineau Fern [Female] b. BET 1905 AND 1906 - d. 11 MAR 1958 Southfield, Michigan
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
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Papineau Marie Louella [Female] b. BET 1907 AND 1908
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Place of birth: Woodsley Ont. Can.
Age: 6
Sex: F
Last Permanent Residence: Walkerville Can
Name and address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came: Mother Clara Papineau 30 Victoria Rd. Walkerville Ont.
Passage paid by: Uncle
Destination and name and complete address of relative or friend to join there: Detroit Mich. Wm Alvin Papineau 1182 Hudson Ave
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Papineau Edith Edna [Female] b. 7 NOV 1907 Detroit, Michigan - d. 2 SEP 1979 Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
Title: Maureen Anne Finlay
Title: Barbara J. Wright
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Papineau Josephine Harriet [Female] b. 20 FEB 1913 Rochester Twp Exxex City Ontario Canada - d. 30 DEC 1984 Utica Michigan
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
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Papineau Margaret [Female] b. 8 OCT 1914 Woodslee Essex Ontario Canada - d. 30 OCT 1997 Fowlerville Michigan
Title: Elizabeth Sabourn Gourlay (now Papineau)
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