Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Cherrier Marie Rosalie [Female] b. 14 JAN 1756 Montréal, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada - d. 9 SEP 1832 Montréal, Canada
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
From Bill Papineau [] 7/5/2006
The wife of the second Joseph, referred to in my May 24th email, was Marie Rjosalie Cherrier, the daughter of Francois Pierre Cherrier and Marie Dubuc. Joseph and Marie were married on August 23, 1779. Joseph rose to the title of Notary Royal, Seigneur of the "Petite Nation" Seignory, which today encompasses the villages of Montebello, Papineauville, St. Andre Avelen and Faucett.
Marie Rosalie died on September 9, 1832 and Joseph died on July 8, 1841, both in Montreal. In addition to Louis Joseph and Andre Augustine, they had eight other children:
Joseph Seraphin Papineau Montreal November 23, 1783- April 27, 1874.
Joseph Francois Papineau Montreal October 4, 1785- April 23, 1786.
Marie Rosalie Papineau Born in Montreal on February 18, 1788, died in St. Hyacinthe on August 5, 1857.
Denis Benjimin Papineau Born in Montreal on November 13, 1789. Died January, 20, 1854 at Plaisance Seigneuree of Petite Nation, Parish of Papineauville.
Toussaint Papineau Montreal February 12, 1792- February 20, 1792.
Angelique Papineau, Montreal April 16, 1795- August 9, 1795.
Marie Adelaide Papineau, Montreal September 2, 1796- September 14, 1796
Toussaint Victor Papineau Born, Montreal, April 29, 1798. Died, December 8, 1869 in Point-aux-Trembles. He was ordained as a Priest on September 21, 1823.
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: Dessaulles Beaudry
Publication: Email corrispondance
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: Dessaulles Beaudry
Publication: Email corrispondance
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: Dessaulles Beaudry
Publication: Email corrispondance
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Anthony Papineau
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Hotte Marguerite [Female]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Sareau Marie-Anne [Female] b. ABT 1725
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: Michele Hassell
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Bedard Melina [Female]
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
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Veilleax Ida [Female]
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
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Papineau Andrien Joseph [Male] b. 18 SEP 1911 Winnipeg, Manitoba
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
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Papineau Francois [Male]
Title: Geatan Papineau
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Gagnee-Gagnier Anastasie [Female]
Title: Geatan Papineau
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Gagnee-Gagnier Joseph [Male]
Title: Geatan Papineau
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Boyer Marguerite [Female]
Title: Geatan Papineau
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Papineau Joseph [Male]
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
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Cardinal Mathelde [Female]
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
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Papineau Isaac [Male] b. 25 JUL 1851 Michigan - d. 28 MAY 1920 Escanaba, Michigan
Title: Jim Herrick
Publication: An email I received from Jim Herrick ( on 1/7/2000
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Wilson Elizabeth [Female] b. 1861 Canada - d. 1928 Escanaba, Michigan
Title: Jim Herrick
Publication: An email I received from Jim Herrick ( on 1/7/2000
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Papineau Jean Louis [Male] b. 25 AUG 1727 St. Laurent, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Title: Michele Hassell
Title: André R. Papineau
Publication: Compiled from various emails I received from Andre (
Title: Michele Hassell
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