Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Papineau Michel [Male] b. --Not Shown--
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Anthony Papineau
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Aubertin Claudette [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Sophie [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Audette Claude [Male] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Audette Isabelle [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Dominic [Male] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Morneau Nancy [Female]
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Cedric [Male] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Anne [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Catherine [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Author: Sophie Papineau
Title: Sophie Papineau
Publication: Email I received from Saphie on 5/29/2000
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Papineau Antoine Cyprien [Male] b. 3 OCT 1776
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Papineau Antoine [Male]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Monty Amable [Female]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Monty Antoine [Male]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
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Piedalue Marie Cath [Female] bp. 11 SEP 1751 Laprairie, Laprairie, QC, Canada
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
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Papineau Pierre [Male]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Piedalue Cath [Female]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Piedalue Julien [Male]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Vincelet Genevieve [Female]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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Nep(???) [Male]
Author: Joan Phillips
Title: Joan Phillips
Publication: Various Emails I received from Joan Phillips
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