Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Papineau Rene [Female] b. --Not Shown--
Title: Mary Lou Edwards
Title: Collen Papineau
Author: Thesa Velma Decker
Title: Velma (Papineau) Decker
Title: Mary Lou Edwards
It was Great to see my family tree....nice to know it has a few branches..!!!!! On your page 159 of Genealogy data, I may have some input. First off, thanks for letting me know that I had lost a brother. I havent had contact with my family since 1968. I moved around alot. O.K., back to page159....your information is on the money..!!! a few corrections and additional information please. my name is spelled RAOUL, not Raul, and my mothers maiden name is Hernandez, Onelia.
Source This HTML database was produced by a registered copy of Copyright 2014 Anthony Papineau
Author: Raoul & Susan Marando
Title: Raoul (Papineau) Marando
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Marando Raoul Joseph [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Detroit, Michigan
Title: Mary Lou Edwards
Author: Raoul & Susan Marando
Title: Raoul (Papineau) Marando
Here is some futher informatin about me and mine. I was born 8/18/40, Detroit. I was adopted in 1960 by Joseph Marando. I have three children , "April", born 4/17/62,Boston. "Shawn", born 11/10/64,Cleveland, and "Cassandra", born 5/15/68,Alton Ill. All are of Papineau bloodline. Their mother's name is Aurora Lattanzio, of Boston. It's nice to Know you have a family out there some where.
I am presently married to Susan, and have adopted her three children as my own, and their names are Kimberly, Michael and Deborah.
thank you....Raoul Joseph Marando (was..Raoul Jerome Papineau)
I noticed you didn't have a birth/death date on my Dad..??? I was in Palatka with him in 63', and he
drowned in St Augstine on 5/15/66. Found my grandmothers maiden name:Deletta May McKay.!!
I visited my sisters Yvonne, Colleen, & Rene , and thier Mother, Velma in 68' in Indiana. My brothers were not around. I would like to know about my uncle Eddie and his family. I dont know if he passed on his artistic talents to any one other than me...but it's kept me employed for 40 years.
I'm 60 this month, but retired. Had a battle with Cancer in march of 98, lost a few parts, but won the battle. Please give my e-mail address to those who want it, and my address to others for..."snail mail"....What was my occupation?
address:12420 N.Florida ave.
lot 262
Tampa Florida, 33612
p.s. you Know there is another out there....Mary, Dad's last wife had a daughter..????
About my adoption....strange story....Joe Marando raised me from 5 to 19, all my records EXECPT my birth certificate had Marando. I asked my Dad (Jerry) if Joe should adopt me? Here, I'm 19 and headed into the Navy(Aug 59). Jerry said YES, I couldn't figure why? He knew something I didn't! Joe had a bad heart, and my adoption would mean alot to him. Joe died within months of the final approval. He died of open heart surgery!.(sep 60')
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Halbritter David [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Detroit, Michigan, USA
Title: Collen Papineau
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Runyon William [Male]
Title: Collen Papineau
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Maugras Marie-Jeanne [Female] b. ABT 1670 Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Gamelin Pierre [Male] b. ABT 1667
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Jacques [Male] b. 19 JUN 1678 Trois-Rivieres, Quebec - d. AFT 1681
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Madeleine [Female] b. 1680 Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Marie Gertrude [Female] b. 19 MAY 1681 Trois Rivieres, Quebec - d. 16 APR 1732 St.-Francois du Lac, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Forcier Joseph [Male] b. 20 JAN 1677 Sorel, Richelieu, Quebec - d. 6 MAY 1741
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Jean [Male] b. 22 SEP 1683 Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Cartier Francoise [Female] b. 18 JAN 1688 Neuville, Quebec, Canada - d. 5 OCT 1721 St.-Francois du Lac, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Gagne Marie-Therese [Female] b. 1700 Québec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Joseph [Male] b. ABT 1687 St.-Francois du Lac, Quebec, Canada - d. 14 APR 1693 St.-Francois-du-Lac, Yamaska, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Jean-Baptiste [Male] b. ABT 1689 - d. 12 APR 1693 St.-Francois du Lac, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Francois [Male] b. ABT 1691
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Rault Charlotte Catherine [Female] b. 3 FEB 1707 Trois Rivieres, Quebec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Joyal Joseph [Male] b. 10 JAN 1694 Sorel, Richelieu, Quebec, Canada
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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Patry Madeleine [Female] b. 3 FEB 1707 Trois Rivieres, Quebec
Title: Jackie Hostage
Publication: Email I received from Jackie Hostage (
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