Index for surnames beginning with M (Descendancy Pages)
[Martin, Francois] - [MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth]
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
[Mabile, Jacqueline] - [Martin, Emma]
[Martin, Francois] - [MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth]
Martin, Francois , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Martin, Gabriel , (Martin-Montpetit)
Martin, Glenn , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTIN, HAROLD P. (b. 23 JUN 1903 - d. 1 APR 1961) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTIN, HEIDI (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Jean Baptiste , (Martin-Levac)
MARTIN, JEAN PAUL , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Joseph , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Martin, Josephte , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (LaLonde-Trotier)
Martin, Lois Elaine , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTIN, LUCILLE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTIN, MARIE A. ALDA , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Phyllis , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Pierre , (Rousseliere-Parise)
MARTIN, SERGE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Stephen , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martin, Timothy Carl (b. --Not Shown--) , (Laporte-Louvigny-Nolan) , (Pounin-Durand) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Desrivières-Raimbault) , (Gamelin-Lorimier)
MARTIN, Unknown , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEAU, Antoine (b. ABT 1817) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEAU, BELZIMIRE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Martineau, Marie Charlotte (b. ABT 1720) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Martineau-Hotte) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Martineau, Pierre , (Martineau-Hotte)
Martinelli, Jennifer (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Martinelli, Sandra , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MARTINEZ, DEBORAH LYNN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEZ, DESIREE CHANTELL (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEZ, MICAELA RICO , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEZ, RICHARD (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEZ, RICK ALLEN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTINEZ, TONI LORRAINE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MARTY, Joseph , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MARTY, Joseph , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Masiea, Joan Louise (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Mason, Annie , (?-Papineau)
Mason, Gordon (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Dubuc-Cherrier) , (Dubuc-Cherrier) , (Beaudry-Archambault) , (Beaudry-Archambault) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere) , (DeSaulles-Deschenaux-Crevier)
MASSE, ADELE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, ANNETTE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, ARTHUR MEDRICK (b. 6 MAY 1900) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, BEATRICE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, BLANCHE (b. 21 JAN 1906 - d. 13 JUN 1998) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, COSETTE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, DOROTHY , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, HELENE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, HERMAN ( d. 24 SEP 1970) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, JEAN , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, LISE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASSE, LOUIS , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Masse, Mathilde , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MASSE, PAULINE ( d. MAR 1991) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Masse, Pierre-Paul , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MASSE, ROBERT , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Masseau, Suzanne (b. ABT 1620) , (Masseau-Joyal)
Massia, Ashton (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Massia, Patrick (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Massia, Raylee (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Massia, Raymond (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Massia, Raymond (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Masson, Gilles (b. 10 JUL 1672) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Gauthier-Mabile)
Masson, Gilles (b. ABT 1630 - d. 27 MAR 1715) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Gauthier-Mabile)
Masson, Jean Francois (b. 30 NOV 1669) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Gauthier-Mabile)
Masson, Louis (b. ABT 1676) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Pineau-Boyer) , (Gauthier-Mabile)
Masson, Marie Renee (b. 1 APR 1711 - d. BEF SEP 1747) , (Vincelet-dit-Laboissiere-Frenel) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Pineau-Boyer) , (Barsa-Choseau) , (Pilois-Tellier) , (Gauthier-Mabile)
Masson, Pierre , (Masson-Gedreneau)
Masson-dit-Dutremblay, Pierre (b. 3 JUL 1673) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Gauthier-Mabile) , (Francois-Gaumond)
MASTRANGEL, AMY MARIE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASTRANGEL, BERNADETTE ANN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASTRANGEL, HOPE ELIZABETH (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MASTRANGEL, PAUL JOSEPH (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Mata, Jessica Marie (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Mata, Miranda Jean Long (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Mata, Paul Larry (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Mata, Sarah Alexandria Long (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Mathews, Marian Louise (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Mathews, Ronald , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MATILDA ., (b. ABT 1860) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Matt, George ( d. 1953) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Matte, Cyrille , (Matte-Demers)
Matte, Zelia , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere) , (Chartier-Pepin) , (Marion-Lucas) , (Matte-Demers)
Matthes, Andrew , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Matthes, Richard , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MATTHEWS, PAMELA (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MATTICE, , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MATTICE, MICHAEL SCOTT , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MATTICE, TRISHA ANNE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Maugras, Gertrude (b. 22 DEC 1686 - d. 15 JAN 1774) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain)
Maugras, Jacques (b. 1639) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain)
Maugras, Marie-Jeanne (b. ABT 1670) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain)
Maver, George , (Gourlay-Allen) , (Simpson-Hutchison)
Maw, Violete , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Morin-Chiasson) , (Legrapt-Chretien) , (Loryot-Burquet) , (Pepin?-Gagne) , (Phaneuf-Blais) , (Cormier-Bernard) , (Vincelet-dit-Laboissiere-Frenel) , (Masson-Gedreneau) , (Pineau-Boyer) , (Barsa-Choseau) , (Pilois-Tellier) , (Barre-Bessette) , (Gauthier-Mabile) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Lemieux-Fortin) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
Maxwell, James William (b. UNKNOWN) , (Reed-James)
May, David , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
MAYER, ALEXANDRE , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Maylone, Edgar Hardy , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Chapelain-DeChaux) , (Delieres-Denis) , (Letourneau-Guery) , (Bouteiller-Gouyon) , (Lemieux-Paquet) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MAYNARD, Marie Anne Menard \ (b. ABT 1768) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MAZIKOWSKI, MARTIN PAUL (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MAZIKOWSKI, MATTHEW PAUL (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MAZIKOWSKI, STACEY MARIE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Mazur, Anastazia , (Maisel-Mazur)
McAllister, Bruce , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
McAllister, Donald , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
McAllister, Fern , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
McAllister, Sylvia , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
McAllister, Wendy , (?-Papineau) , (Hollon-Elkins) , (Mahoney-Redd) , (Harrison-?)
MCBRIDE, FREDDA LOUISE (b. ABT 1925 - d. 7 JUL 1987) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McBurney, Diane Pearle (b. --Not Shown--) , (Ashley-Hemming)
MCCARTHY, , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McCarthy, John (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCarthy, Margaret Tominey (b. 4 OCT 1907 - d. 1 JAN 1987) , (Gourlay-Allen) , (Simpson-Hutchison)
McCarthy, Pamela (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCarthy, Robert (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCarthy, Sharon (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCarthy, Susan (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MCCARTNEY, LUCILLE N. (b. 21 APR 1905) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McCausland, Allan S. , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCausland, Gregory S. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCausland, Susan E. (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MCCLEAN, EDWARD , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McCLURE, LOUISE MARIE (b. 6 JUL 1884 - d. 5 JAN 1958) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McConnell, Carolyn , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCCORMICK, PATRICK ( d. 1969) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McCrea, Jordan (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
McCrea, Michael , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (Brignon-Provost) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MCCREA, NANCY ( d. 24 OCT 1842) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDANIEL, ROBERT , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McDaniel, Susan (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor)
MCDONALD, ANTOINETTE LOUISE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, BARBARA ANNE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, BETH ALICE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, CHARLES PATRICK (b. 16 AUG 1918 - d. 27 JAN 1967) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McDonald, Earl , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Smith-Eams) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
McDonald, Elizabeth Anne (b. --Not Shown--) , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Smith-Eams) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
MCDONALD, ERIC GEORGE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, GEORGE LAREAU (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McDonald, Helen , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Smith-Eams) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
MCDONALD, JAMIE NICOLE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, JULIE ANN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, LINDA JEAN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, LYNNE MARIE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, MARK CHARLES (b. 28 JAN 1950 - d. 25 OCT 2005) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDONALD, MATTHEW BLAINE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McDonald, Patrick , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Smith-Eams) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
McDonald, Robert , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Smith-Eams) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
MCDONALD, SARAH JANE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McDUFF, FLORENCE VERONICA (b. 9 OCT 1896) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCDUFF, GINETTE , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MCDUFF, Leo , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere)
MCFALLS, JENNIFER SUZANNE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCFALLS, SARAH (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McGill, Charlotte Craig (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCGLYNN, Teresa ( d. 1936) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKay, Deletta May , (Gouré-Beauchamp) , (Parent-Ray) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Tarragon-Couturier) , (Abraham-Brassard) , (Masseau-Joyal) , (Niquet-Montis) , (Lemoine-Longuemerliere) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Marguerie-Houllevique) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Romain) , (Crevier-Dauphin) , (Marentette-Labadie) , (Souchereau-Boyer) , (Sauvé-Malleret) , (Michel-Revon) , (Marchesseau-Lamoureux) , (Magdeleine-Parisis) , (Godin-Gouzier) , (Rousseliere-Parise) , (Girardin-Boulanger) , (Jolivet-Bellemaniere) , (Martin-Levac) , (LaLonde-Trotier) , (Papineau)
McKeown, Andrew ( d. AUG 1998) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Brian , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Brian Scott (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, David ( d. OCT 1998) , (McKeown-Aiken)
MCKEOWN, JACQUELYN ANN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKeown, Kyle , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Kyle Daniel (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Margaret Rose , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Margaret Rose (Peg) (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Michael Henry (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Patrick , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Samuel , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Samuel ( d. OCT 1954) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, Scott William CPA(b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, William (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKeown, William Patrick (b. --Not Shown--) , (Sabourn) , (Galloway-Kilpatrick) , (Taylor) , (McKeown-Aiken)
McKigney, Andrea Lee (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, Grace Sr(b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, Henry Patrick (b. 28 MAY 1887 - d. 6 MAY 1967) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, Jennifer (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, John Ignatius (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, John Kevin (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McKigney, Peter Henry (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
Mckinley, Virginia Ruth (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Jones-Lareau) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCLALLEN, Daniel RITTER , (Papineau-Delain-Delair) , (de Vautour-Godbac) , (Quevillon-Vauquelin) , (Hunault-Benoit) , (Menard-Forestier) , (Cherlot-Desmouli-Peuron) , (Mansion-Guarncour) , (Arcouet\-Bruyere) , (Garceau-Gagne)
McLaughlin, Harry James , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McLellan, Melda Margaret (b. --Not Shown--) , (Papineau-Landry)
MCLEMORE, DONNA KAYE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMAHON, MARGARET ANN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMANUS, LYNNE PATRICIA (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLAN, MARY JANE , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLAN, Mary Jane (b. ABT 1892) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLIN, DONALD CRAIG (b. 8 JUL 1902) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, DENNIE MOORE (b. 27 MAY 1899) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, DONNA LEE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, JOYCE CAROLYN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, KATHLEEN ANN (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, SHARON LOU (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCMILLION, TOMMY LEE (b. --Not Shown--) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McMullen, Nita Jean (b. 7 NOV 1956 - d. UNKNOWN) , (Ashley-Hemming)
McNabb, Agnes Mary , (Thiery-Diesbourg)
Mcnabb, Helen (b. ABT 1772) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCNALL, (b. ABT 1889) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
McNeece, Elizabeth (b. ABT 1836) , (Streetman)
MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth (b. ABT 1884) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth (b. ABT 1884) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth (b. ABT 1884) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
MCNEIL, Marie Elisabeth (b. ABT 1884) , (Le Ber-Cavelier) , (Godefroy-Cavelier)
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