Genealogy Data Page 25 (Pedigree Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
- Papineau Alvin [Male]
+ Daudelin Marie Célina [Female] b. 13 JAN 1908 TIlbury, Maidstone, Ontario, Canada
- Papineau Eugéne [Male] b. JAN 1932 Belle River, Ontario, Canada - d. 18 JUL 1932 Belle River, Ontario, Canada
- Papineau Thérèse [Female] b. BET DEC 1936 AND JAN 1937 Belle River, Ontario, Canada - d. 10 FEB 1937 Belle River, Ontario, Canada
- Jones Celista Jane [Female]
+ Lareau Charles George [Male]
- Mckinley Virginia Ruth [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Big Beaver, M
+ Lareau Charles George [Male] b. 22 MAY 1915 Detroit, Wayne, MI - d. 14 APR 1987 Victorville, San Bernardino, CA - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Detroit, Wayne, MI
- Lareau Natalie Celista [Female] b. 10 DEC 1959 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA - d. 26 MAR 1982 Long Beach, Los Angeles, CA
Sabourn "Grandmother" [Female]
Sabourn Elizabeth [Female] b. ABT 1864 North Shields, England (probably) - d. ABT 1907
Taylor Andrew [Male] b. BET 1867 AND 1868 - d. 1894 North Sea, Scotland
- Taylor Barbara [Female] b. 9 MAR 1892 South Shields or North Shields, England - d. 1989 Tampa, Florida, USA
+ Galloway George Kilpatrick [Male] b. OCT 1889 District of Dysart, county of Fife, Scotland - d. 1961 Riverside, California - Marriage: 17 DEC 1915 Scotland
- Galloway James [Male] b. 31 JUL 1914 Kirkcaldy, Kindom of Fif, Scotland - d. 1984 Tampa, Florida, USA
+ Hake Virginia [Female] d. 1984 Tampa, Florida, USA
+ ? Ruby [Female]
- Galloway James [Male] b. 30 JUL 1916 Kirkcaldy, Scotland - d. MAR 1984 Tampa, Florida
+ Snow Ruby [Female] b. 19 FEB 1915 - d. JUL 1984 Tampa, Florida
+ Hake Virginia [Female] d. 1984 Tampa, Florida, USA
- Galloway Elizabeth Sabourne (Betty) [Female] b. 31 JAN 1918 Range Road, Motherwell, County of Lanark, Scotland - d. 23 JUL 1995 Carlsbad, California
+ Darlington George Edward [Male] b. 29 JAN 1913 Normal Ave., Chicago, IL (born at home) - d. 3 MAY 1983 Carlsbad, California - Marriage: 24 MAY 1946 Central Park Ave. Methodist Church, Cook County, IL
- Galloway Margaret Kilpatrick (Marge) [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Dysert, Scotland
+ McKeown William [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Kaiser Road, Middleville, MI (born at home) - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Chicago, Illinois
- McKeown Margaret Rose (Peg) [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Pennock Hospital, Hastings, Michigan
+ Adams Carlton Vur [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Pennock Hospital, Hastings, MI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Middleville Methodist Church
- Adams Robin Troy [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI
+ Hoover Beth [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Pennock Hospital, Hastings, MI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Hastings, MI
- Adams Gina Rae [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Butterworth Hospital, Grand Rapids, MI
+ Perfitt Thomas Eugene Dr. [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Grand Ledge, MI - Marriage: --Not Shown-- Saskatoon Golf Course, Caledonia, MI
- Galloway Alexandra Taylor [Female] b. --Not Shown-- Listowel, Ontario, Canada
+ Deya Donald James [Male] b. 9 SEP 1928 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - d. 28 FEB 1993 Del Mar, California, USA - Marriage: --Not Shown-- West Allis, Wisconsin, USA
Taylor Janet [Female] b. 1 OCT 1893 North Shields, England - d. 28 DEC 1980 Lemington, Ontario, Canada
Gourlay William Allan [Male] b. 6 DEC 1892 Scotland - d. 14 APR 1971 Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada - Marriage: ABT 17 APR Kirkcaldy, Scotland
+ Harvey ? [Male]
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