Genealogy Data Page 78 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Perillard, Jean Baptiste 
b. 24 JAN 1729 Saint Michel, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Simon 
b. 18 NOV 1730 Boucherville, Chambly, Québec, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Jacques 
b. 27 MAR 1737 Montréal, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Nicolas 
b. 1 JAN 1740 Montréal, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Marie Veronique 
b. 26 SEP 1744 Sault Au Recolle, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Marie Louise 
b. 6 NOV 1746 Sault Au Recolle, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Perillard, Therese 
b. 12 JUL 1748 Sault Au Recolle, Ile De Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Périllard, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Papineau, Marie Marguerite
Papineau, Michael 
Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Francis W.
Mother: Unknown,
Gourlay, Mary Simpson [aka: May /Gourlay/]

b. 3 OCT 1921 Kirkcaldy Scotland
d. 1951 Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Gender: Female
Gourlay, William Allan
Taylor, Janet
Ridsdale, Mark Alvin 
b. --Not Shown-- Birmingham, England
Gender: Male
Marriage:--Not Shown-- Colchester, Ontario
Paul, Barbara Jean

b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Paul, George Henry
Mother: Gourlay, Jean Taylor
Ridsdale, Robin Mark 
Ridsdale, Jennifer Jane 
Ridsdale, Christine Marie 
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