Genealogy Data Page 115 (Descendancy Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Leonidas b. 1919        
  Piedalu , Marie-Andree        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Leonidas b. 1919        
  Piedalu , Sylvie        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Paul        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Robert        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Rene        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Denis        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalue , Andre        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Andre        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Jacques        

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        Piedalu , Jean-Amable b. 1864 d. 1918
        Piedalu , Edouard b. 1894    
    Piedalu , Marcel        
  Piedalu , Pierre        

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