Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
QUINNETT DAVID EUGENE [Male] b. --Not Shown-- Shawnee, OK
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Robert L. Quinnett
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
From Robert L. Quinnett
Most of the following was related by Eli Quinnett to his son, Robert L. Quinnett, over the course of many years:
Archie Eli Quinnett was known as 'Eli'; he used 'A. E.' on legal documents. He joined the U. S. Army in WWI to become an aviator and went to flight school in Florida. A few days before he was due to receive his wings and commission as a pilot, an airplane carrying him and an instructor crashed. The instructor was killed, and Eli was so badly injured that the army wanted to discharge him. A Major Reed, who in civilian life was either a Congressman or a U. S. Senator intervened and had him assigned to his unit, the 311th FA Regiment in Battery D of the 2nd Battalion . He learned field artillery gunnery from Major Reed on the ship carrying the unit to France.
While assigned to the unit in France he was carried on the rolls without rank--as shown in William Elmer Bachman's book, The Delta of the Triple Elevens: The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery, United States Army, American Expeditionary Forces (Hazleton, Pa.: Standard Sentinel Print, 1920), in possession of Robert L. Quinnett. Apparently, since he had been so close to receiving his commission as a 2nd lieutenant before the airplane crash, it was expected that his commission would be forthcoming and that he would be commissioned in the field artillery.
At times in France, while not actively engaged in duties with the unit, he accompanied Major Reed on special assignments in Lorraine, Belgium, and Luxembourg, describing these assignments to his son Bob as 'G-twoing' or 'G-2 duties' (G-2 indicates Military Intelligence.) He would never disclose any other information about those assignments, thus leaving an aura of mystery (something at which he excelled!) . It must have been interesting, however, since a Belgian noble that he met while on one such assignment tried to get him to divorce his wife Jean and marry his daughter. Eli disclosed that he could not do that since he loved his wife and that he was a Catholic, married in the church. The noble replied that none of that presented a problem because he could 'fix it.' Since Robert L. Quinnett is writing this note, it is obvious that Eli declined the offer.
Another part of his mystery is that he wore a ring (platinum with one very large white sapphire) that had the crown of Belgium on one side and the cross of Lorraine on the other side, both inlaid in black. The only information he would ever disclose about the ring was that he and both of his sons, Mike and Bob, were 'entitled to wear' both of those symbols. He would never explain it any further despite persistent questioning. It had been his intention to have a duplicate of the ring made so that each son would have one, but unfortunately, the ring, while in the temporary possession of Bob in late 1962 or early 1963, was stolen by a housemaid in Omaha, NE, while Bob was attending the University of Nebraska there. Reproducing the original was impossible without drawings, photos, and an appraisal. It should be noted that Eli's division in France, the 79th Division, helped drive the Germans out of Lorraine and adopted the Cross of Lorraine as its shoulder patch.
While in France Eli caught the flu during the worldwide influenza epidemic of 1918. He was placed in a large room for patients who were not expected to live through the night. Another soldier there had a bottle of cognac, and he and Eli drank it all, trying to obtain some relief. The two of them were the only two patients still alive in the death room the next morning.
Eli's commission in the Reserves 'caught up with him' after the war. For several years he attended summer training as a first lieutenant with units at Fort Sill, OK, until the pressure of the automobile business and his oil and gas interests caused him to decide to resign his commission when his promotion to captain arrived. He believed that he could not do justice to the acceptance of the promotion and continuance of his reserve military service, so he resigned his commission.
In about 1931 he was felled by a serious heart condition. He survived, but he spent the rest of his life as an invalid. His son Bob does not remember his father ever working; he was always at home offering sound and firm--and very direct--parenting. Nevertheless, he and his wife Jean managed to raise two boys during the worst part of the Great Depression and were able to send them both to private boarding schools (Mike in college, and Bob in high school).: Robert L. Quinnett.
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Robert L. Quinnett
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
[Paul J Lareau.GED]
See General Note with her sister Marie as to places lived and schooled.
She spoke only French until she started to school at age 6. Whether she
attended the same grade school in St. Joseph--which was taught by nuns in
French--is not known, but since she began to learn English in the first
grade [verbal to Robert L. Quinnett], it might be assumed that the same
school attended by her much older sister Marie was no longer taught by
French-speaking nuns or that they taught in English.
Personal knowledge of Robert L. Quinnett.
Robert Leishman papers.
Records of A. E. Quinnett.
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
Title: Paul J Lareau.GED
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