Genealogy Data Page 347 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bourassa, Bernard

b. 19 OCT 1913 Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Bourassa, Joseph Henri Napoléon
Mother: Papineau, Marie Josephine
Bourassa, Thérèse

b. 18 SEP 1915 Montréal, Québec, Canada
d. 14 NOV 1920 Montréal, Québec, Canada
Gender: Female
Father: Bourassa, Joseph Henri Napoléon
Mother: Papineau, Marie Josephine
Bourassa, Jeanne

b. 13 FEB 1917 Montréal, Québec, Canada
d. 7 SEP 1974 Lac des Becscies
Gender: Female
Father: Bourassa, Joseph Henri Napoléon
Mother: Papineau, Marie Josephine
Papineau, Jean Louis

b. 24 AUG 1769
Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Papineau, Marie

b. 22 FEB 1772 St. Laurent
Gender: Female
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Papineau, Marie Anne

b. 21 NOV 1773 St. Laurent
Gender: Female
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Papineau, Marie Charlotte

b. 20 SEP 1781 St Laurent
Gender: Female
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Papineau, Joseph

b. 16 JUL 1786 St Martin
Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Marriage: 5 OCT 1818 St Laurent
Gohier, Marie Scholastique
Gender: Female
Papineau, Louis Toussaint

b. 23 OCT 1793 Ste Therese
Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Papineau, Amable

b. 6 APR 1795 Ste Therese
Gender: Male
Father: Papineau, Jean Baptiste
Mother: Ouellette, Marie Angelique
Marriage: 1 FEB 1825 Ste Anne Des Plaines
Garreau, Appoline

Gender: Female
Father: Garreau, Toussaint
Mother: Beauchamp, Marie Lse
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