Genealogy Data Page 297 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
KRIHA, Luan Gail 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Female
Mother: LE CLAIR, Lillian Lucille
KRIHA, Terence Henry 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Male
Mother: LE CLAIR, Lillian Lucille
LE CLAIR, Linda Marie 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Female
Father: LE CLAIR, Frederick Thomas
LE CLAIR, Gregory James

b. 30 AUG 1949 St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
d. 19 JUL 1968
Gender: Male
Father: LE CLAIR, Frederick Thomas
LE CLAIR, Annette Maura 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Female
Father: LE CLAIR, Frederick Thomas
LE CLAIR, Mary Elizabeth 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Female
Father: LE CLAIR, Frederick Thomas
LE CLAIR, Maura Kathleen 
b. --Not Shown-- St. Paul, Ramsey, MN, USA
Gender: Female
Father: LE CLAIR, Frederick Thomas
Dupuis, Louise

b. 19 SEP 1842
d. 7 FEB 1919
Gender: Female
Father: Dupuis, Hypolite
Dupuis, Marie Agnes

b. 14 SEP 1844
Gender: Female
Father: Dupuis, Hypolite
Dupuis, George Henri

b. 13 NOV 1849
d. 9 MAY 1934
Gender: Male
Father: Dupuis, Hypolite
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