Genealogy Data Page 251 (Family Pages)
Individuals marked with a red dot
are direct ancestors of Derik Austen Papineau
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Illa, Ryan Lee 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: Illa, Dale
Mother: King, Diane Elizabeth
Illa, Abby Lynn 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Illa, Dale
Mother: King, Diane Elizabeth
Pasch, Jeffrey John 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: Pasch, Daniel Frank
Mother: King, Rita Mae
Pasch, Karla Jo 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Pasch, Daniel Frank
Mother: King, Rita Mae
Pasch, Jodi Lynn 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Pasch, Daniel Frank
Mother: King, Rita Mae
King, David Joseph 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: King, David Joseph
Mother: Gustafson, Lynda
King, Nicholas 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: King, David Joseph
Mother: Gustafson, Lynda
King, Niles 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: King, David Joseph
Mother: Gustafson, Lynda
Hedeen, Jenny Marie 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Female
Father: Hedeen, Daniel Lee
Mother: King, Shirley Patricia
Hedeen, Robert Daniel 
b. --Not Shown-- ,Goodhue, MN
Gender: Male
Father: Hedeen, Daniel Lee
Mother: King, Shirley Patricia
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